Showing posts with label rights of women in The Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rights of women in The Bahamas. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) government simply does not care about the rights of women

The PLP has Failed to Protect the Rights of Women

Democratic National Alliance - Press Release:

History has shown that Bahamian women continue to make up a significant block of this country’ voting electorate; however this Christie led administration – whose victory at the polls was due in large part to the high voter turnout among women – has proven itself unworthy of that vote of confidence.

This PLP government simply does not care about the rights of women. Over the course of his term in office thus far, Mr. Christie has paid only lip service to the idea of female empowerment and equality while allowing those under his direction to further trample on the freedoms of Bahamian women across this great country; women who continue to contribute in meaningful ways to the development of our communities, and our democracy.

The PLP campaigned and won on the promise of a referendum which would finally address constitutional inequalities against women; however, more than 50 years since the women’s suffrage movement, months after receiving the recommendations of the constitutional commission, and more than two years in office, this government has not seen fit to make good on this promise.

Prime Minister Perry Christie has instead postponed the date of the planned referendum twice and his administration has, during this time, failed to undertake the promised educational campaign intended to make the public more aware of the key points at the heart of this very important issue.

While the Democratic National Alliance is saddened by this reality, we are not at all surprised. Since taking office, this administration has failed to meet its own deadlines on issues of national importance. As with issues such as Value Added Tax, National Health Insurance, the Freedom of Information Act, the implementation of the Sexual Offender’s Registry and countless others, the government has faltered consistently, failing not only to meet its own self-imposed deadlines, but also in providing the public with the necessary updates required to inspire confidence in the electoral process.

The government’s amateurish handling of the gaming referendum and the subsequent decision to go against the will of the people in that regard is additional proof of this government’s ineptitude and lack of focus. The decision to regulate the industry after a resounding “NO” at the polls has only further undermined the public’s faith in our country’s still developing democracy and has undoubtedly cast a shadow of doubt over any future referendums. How can the electorate be sure that the government will honor the outcome of the vote? How can Bahamian women trust that the rights they vote to protect will not be overturned at the whim of an indecisive leader?

This PLP government has failed the women of the Bahamas. They have denied women across the country basic rights and have compromised the process by which those rights can be achieved in the future. Sadly, on the issue of gender inequality this Christie led government has shown itself, ill-equipped and unwilling to protect future generations of Bahamian women.

July 01, 2014

Branville McCartney
DNA Leader - Facebook