Showing posts with label terror Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terror Bahamas. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 will take the people, being of one mind and one focus – to bring an end to the terror of crime in our Bahamaland

Where are we headed as a nation?
thenassauguardian editorial

When three lives can be taken senselessly, seemingly without cause or pause, what does that say about us as a ‘Christian’ nation? When a man is at home and another boldly enters his “castle” uninvited, armed with an illegal weapon and snuffs out his life; when a teenager and a relative is at a birthday party celebrating the milestone of a friend, and a knife is plunged into his chest, stopping his breath; when a woman, just completing an eight-hour work shift, walks out to the parking lot and is accosted by an assailant, who not only steals her money and shoots her, but drives from the scene in her car?

What does that say about us as a ‘Christian’ nation?

In the past two, three years it appears as though persons pulling the triggers in this country have been overtaken with an irrational mindset that is spiraling out of control. Many organizations have begun programs to curb their behavior, but to no avail. The police have launched countless initiatives, beefed up patrols and acquired new equipment. However the crime wave and criminality continues to build and as the essence of those transgressions permeate the atmosphere, pent up tension and frustration are beginning to forge themselves in the minds of the victims.

Just over the weekend residents of Bain Town, New Providence assembled themselves as “one group”, a force against the police. Rocks, bottles and other missiles were thrown and the innocent, including media personnel and clergymen were hurt in the process.

It may not of been the intent of the residents to do bodily harm to anyone, however, restrained frustration and anger over what they believe is their situation of disadvantage boiled over and there had to be a point of release.

Their action maybe an isolated one, but be assured people throughout this country are living time bombs waiting to explode. But before The Bahamas develops a criminal reputation internationally, the people must unify themselves in the fight against crime.

Earlier this year Prime Minister Hubert A. Ingraham called for a day of prayer, many were surprised by this move, but if Grand Bahamians would take their minds back to the year of the “Five Missing Boys” it was not until the men of the cloth called for a time of fasting and prayer that the predator revealed himself. Cordell Farrington walked into the Central Police Station and confessed that he committed those crimes.

However, that did not happen until the people came together with one voice, believing and focusing on the perpetrator being exposed.

So, the prime minister was on the right track calling for a day of prayer. Maybe he should consider declaring another such proclamation as 2010 nears its end, with the country having recorded 85 murders thus far, only two under the murder count of 87 for 2009.

There are five weeks left in 2010, where are we headed as a ‘Christian’ nation when lives are being taken senselessly; when families are afraid to rest at night in fear of some unscrupulous bandit invading their home; when women are afraid to water their grass after sunset and when children cannot stand at the bus stop without the fear of being hit by a stray bullet?

This country must no longer be held hostage by those who have apparently lost their conscience and respect for life.

Where are we headed as a nation?

The terror must stop and it will take the people, being of one mind and one focus – to bring an end to the terror of crime in our Bahamaland.


thenassauguardian editorial