Showing posts with label upward Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label upward Bahamas. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Let us Bahamians work together... PLPs, FNMs, DNAs and INDEPENDENTS alike... keep The Bahamas moving forward, upward, onward TOGETHER!

To the residents of the great constituency of Killarney:

I am humbled and grateful for the overwhelming show of support in returning me as your Member of Parliament. Please be assured, that I will continue to represent you and serve with the same diligence and vigor as I have always done.

I congratulate The Commonwealth's new Prime Minister elect, The Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie, the PLP, and the thousands of supporters across this nation on the victory that you have achieved, I pray that God will guide and lead you in the coming months and years ahead, in meeting the needs of all Bahamians.

To Branville McCartney, the members and supporters of the DNA, you have fought a good fight! I congratulate you for a job well done, as the strength of a democracy depends not only on the power of the people but the fortitude of the opposition.

To the thousands of FNM supporters, take comfort in knowing that our support is still strong! Remember, it is God who changes times and seasons and that He is on the throne. Rather than a source of discouragement, let this loss be a fresh stimulus for our party. In the words of Denis Waitley, let it be our teacher, not our undertaker. A delay, not defeat. A temporary detour, not a dead end.

It is natural to feel disappointment; some may even feel depressed. However, the difference in the outcome lies in how we respond to these situations and cope with them. Let us trust that God has a purpose and a plan for this country and for our lives and give thanks even in the midst of our loss. Remember our livelihood, security and safety are intertwined and we live in 'One Bahamas'. Do not allow the loss to shake our faith, but to strengthen it! In all things give thanks!

I thank every supporter for your hard work and your diligence, and I ask that you stay strong! We will keep you informed of restructuring, plans and goals moving forward.

Let us work together, PLP, FNM, DNA and INDEPENDENTS alike, to keep this country moving forward, upward, onward TOGETHER!

May God bless you all!

Member of Parliament Elect, Killarney

Dr. Hubert A. Minnis