Showing posts with label virtual learning bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label virtual learning bahamas. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

All Children in The Bahamas are Entitled to a Decent Education

Bahamas:  Save Our Children for a Promising Future

By Dennis Dames

Save Our Bahamian Children
The Minister of Education - the Honorable Glenys Hanna Martin, has revealed that there are 8,000 delinquent students of the Virtual Learning Platform – who have been missing in action since the CoViD19 pandemic began. What a shameful social injustice.

The Minister announced that: An education recovery task force has been established and will have just 14 days to track down some 8,000 students who were inactive on the virtual learning platform throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

It’s truly a correct step in the right direction; and we know that it will take more than 14 days to arrest the serious political and social challenges in the education of our children; which has been allowed to advance in to a national crisis over the last two years and counting - by inept political leaders, wayward parents, neglectful guardians and derelict communities.

It’s a clear violation of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights - by a country with the resources and capabilities to do better. It’s child abuse, abandonment and neglect on a wholesale scale in The Bahamas – in my humble opinion. The bitter harvest of social instability and decline is staring us right in our eyes, and we appear to be foolishly indifferent about it.

Our country – The Bahamas, is on the sure path of a failed state – where we proudly, carelessly and unwittingly breed and nurture antisocial citizens from young– in my view.

Children Have Rights
We seem not to care about the expanding vices in our nation - caused by youthful deviants, as we feel so safe and secured behind our security fences, walls, bars and gates – with cameras keeping watch of our respective properties 24/7. What a tragedy!

No one in The Bahamas is safe right now – in an unequal and unbalanced society of chronic social rot, as we continue to treat our precious future with utter social neglect and contempt. Our deserving rewards are just beginning to manifest themselves.