Showing posts with label voters register Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voters register Bahamas. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bahamians are registering to vote in greater numbers for the next general election...

Bahamian Voters Eager


It seemed to be just what the parliamentary registration needed; something to boost the low registration numbers in the country and according to Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Parliamentary Registration Department Sherlyn Hall an announcement by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham on Friday did just that.

It was just three days ago the prime minister told reporters at a press conference that the voter register will be closed by July, an announcement that apparently put fire to many Bahamians who are now rushing to the registration booths.

Since that announcement, Mr. Hall said workers in his department have seen a massive increase in the numbers of Bahamians who have registered.

Since it began last year, the voter registration process was moving at a snail’s pace to the point where Parliamentary Commissioner Errol Bethel made several appeals for Bahamians to get the ball rolling in that regard.

Since Friday, it seems Bahamians have gotten on board and Mr. Hall right now some 30,300 people are on the register.

"Since that time we have had tremendous increase from Friday and Saturday’s figures," Mr. Hall said. "They have not been factored in so we are really looking at a tremendous increase on that 30,300.

"For instance on Friday we took over 413 persons alone at the Urban Renewal Centres throughout New Providence. So we’ve seen a tremendous increase all of last week."

On Friday, Prime Minister Ingraham said, "Sometime after June of this year, I propose to cause the current register of voters to [close] and by that I mean that I want that register to come to an end, which would mean that only persons who are registered on the new register will be eligible to vote," he told reporters on Friday.

"I’m going to give 90 days notice of that. I’m now thinking of giving that notice sometime in April so that sometime towards the end of June or July, I intend to bring the current register to an end. The boundaries commission will be appointed after that."

The deputy permanent secretary added that the Family Islands’ representatives are also reporting an upswing with their registration numbers.

He said up to yesterday alone, the department was expecting that some 500 to 700 more people would have registered to vote in the capital.

"I think (the announcement the prime minister made) helped with these figures," Mr. Hall added. "I think that’s where the boost came from. I think the more we can get people excited and let them know that they can come in early, the better it will be for everyone and we are now seeing them doing that. This is the boost we’ve been waiting on for a long time.

"We are very pleased with how things are going and we are pleased with the numbers that have been coming out but we want to urge the public to continue to come out."

The Bahama Journal was able to speak to some of the new registrants yesterday.

They said after hearing what the prime minister had to say last week, they had no choice but to get out and register.

"It’s good to be prepared," Austin Grant said as he waited for his voter’s card photo to be taken. "The way things are going right now they could call the election any minute and I’d like to be ready. It’s always good to be ready and after today I’ll be ready."

Another registrant said, "The reason why I came out is because they said election is coming soon and I’m trying to get in front of the line. What the prime minister said really made me think so I had to come out."

"I’m out here registering to vote so I can have a say in my country and I’m doing it now before it closes," another registrant said.

While he has not indicated any dates as yet, many are speculating that Prime Minister Ingraham will call an election before the end of the year.

March 29th, 2011
