Showing posts with label Bell Island Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bell Island Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park. Show all posts

Sunday, December 5, 2010

...dredging at Bell Island... in the Exuma Land and Sea Park

Bell Island dredging in the Exuma Land and Sea Park!

LAST week I appeared on the radio show, Hard Copy, hosted by Steve McKinney on Gems 105.9 FM radio at 5 p.m. The show was all about the recent permission given by the Government to conduct dredging at Bell Island and, in particular, the Exuma Land and Sea Park, which was established by law as a preserve in 1958.

The discussion was lively and interesting. One caller suggested that the purchaser of Bell Island, who was recently given permission by government to dredge a large area of the reserve and who is descended from the Middle East, should be requested to ask the Egyptian Government the following simple question: "What would their answer be if a Bahamian investor promised to make a multi-billion dollar investment in a five star hotel, with all the amenities, theme park, etc, that would create mega employment and foreign investment in the heart of Egypt?"

I am sure they would love the idea. But there would be just one catch, the location of the resort. In order to make the investment, the Egyptian Government would have to allow the investor to demolish one of the Egyptian pyramids to make space for building. The Egyptian Government would ask if the Bahamian investor had taken leave of his senses, and the Aga Khan would be asked politely ... or not so politely ... to leave.

But that's Egypt where they have pride in their history, their environment and themselves. I believe the Bahamian people do also; however, I don't think our leaders do.

Later in the show there was another caller, Mr. Brensil Rolle, advisor to the Prime Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, and Member of Parliament. He seemed to be all bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to defend his government's position on the granting of permission to dredge in the Exuma Land and Sea Park. I thought he had called to prove us wrong. What he did, however, in my opinion was to demonstrate that he was arrogant and rude.

He reminded me of years gone by when well trained "hecklers" refused to let anyone speak. Every time I tried to get a word in edge-wise his mouth would start running like a Gatling gun, twice as fast as his brain. I recognized the tactic so I said nothing.

Most of what Mr. Rolle said was that he was born in Exuma and that the area had been dredged many times before and that there were examples of this everywhere and he couldn't see why we were objecting now.

Mr. Rolle said that pictures that Mr. McKinney had taken recently were "old." If they were "old," as Mr. Rolle claims, what happened to the rock and fill that had been mined "long ago." The Prime Minister said the rock and fill would be "adequately disposed of." Maybe Mr. Rolle, or the Prime Minister, would care to tell us what "adequately disposed of" really means? Does it happen to mean, "sold on the international market?" If so, by whom? Has this been a part of the "strip mining" operation reported to be going on in The Bahamas? Just asking.

Recognizing his tactic, I backed off and let Mr. McKinney handle, what appeared to be, a raving idiot. Mr. McKinney rightly told him that we were discussing the recent approval for land to be dredged in a reserved area, and that what had happened in the past had nothing to do with the discussion.

And Mr. McKinney was correct. Just because people have fished in the park, does it mean that they should not be arrested if found fishing there illegally? According to Mr. Rolle's logic, anyone should be able to fish in the park and not worry because, after all, people have fished there illegally before.

Should the bank robber not be arrested for robbing a bank? After all, banks have been robbed before.

Mr. Rolle's logic was incredible. And he's one of the Prime Minister's advisors?

Now back to the discussion. It is said that a man has to be given reasonable access to his property. This is correct. In fact, I don't think you're able to sell a property unless you can guarantee reasonable access to it. But reasonable access means just what it says, "reasonable." It does not mean that, having bought an island which is surrounded on at least two sides by shallow water and is in a Land and Sea Park, the purchaser is able to buy the Queen Mary and expect to use "reasonable access" as a reason to dredge in one of our most important marine reserves.

Bell Island, as I understand it, is on the edge of the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park with deep water on one side. But this is on the ocean side, they say. Well isn't this an ocean going yacht he proposes to bring here?

But, of course there's the famous helicopter. Or is it too busy flying our leaders around?

The Prime Minister says that the Aga Khan is a nice man. I am sure he is. The Prime Minister says that his grandchildren play with the Aga Khan's children.

Great. So what's that got to do with the price of tea in China? Am I hearing some kind of complex coming with such a statement?

The Prime Minister says that he has taken the advice of "advisors" and agrees with their advice regarding Bell Island. Maybe the public would like to know the names of these "advisors."

After all, a man is often judged by the company he keeps ... and so are his decisions.

The Prime Minister says that the objection to dredging in the Exuma Land and Sea Park is just "noise." Maybe.

Maybe the riot in Bain town was just "noise" too?

Maybe the town that has recently gone crazy with killings everywhere, is just "noise" too?

Maybe the cries of twelve year olds being raped by paedophiles are just "noise" too?

Maybe the recent "Tea Party" in the U.S. was just "noise" too.

We'll see. I have faith in the Bahamian people.

December 02, 2010


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Conservationists call for Bahamians to lobby against dredging, excavation and development of Bell Island in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park

Appeal for lobby against dredging, excavation and development at Bell Island
Tribune Staff Reporter

CONSERVATIONISTS are calling for Bahamians to lobby against dredging, excavation and development of Bell Island in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park as plans submitted by owner the Aga Khan are considered by government.

But former Exuma councillor Henry Rolle argues the development should go ahead as it could benefit employment-starved residents of nearby Black Point.

The controversial plans to dredge 8.8 acres of sea bed for two channels into an existing barge landing and a 20-slip yacht basin to be carved out of an existing salt pond came to light after Environment Minister Earl Deveaux admitted he accepted a free ride in landowner Prince Karim Aga Khan IV's luxury helicopter to attend a film screening in Abaco the day before he went on to Bell Island to do a land assessment.

Conservationists outraged by the plans have cried shame on the Bahamas National Trust (BNT) as wardens of the world's oldest national park and 176 square mile no-take marine reserve for not standing in the way of development on the 349-acre private island.

ReEarth founder Sam Duncombe said: "The Trust really needs to be called out on this one because this is such a flagrant disregard of what their mandate is.

"Everyone in the Bahamas is a member of the National Trust and has a right to call the BNT and basically tell them no developing in the park.

"If we can't protect the oldest marine park in the world what hope do we have for the rest of the country?

"It's a sad day in the Bahamas when we have to protect the environment from it's so-called protectors. That's a really sad day."

But the BNT maintains it has no power over the development of private islands in the park by private landowners who are known to make generous donations to the charity, meaning the alleged $1 million donation to the BNT from the Aga Khan would not stray from the norm.

And development and dredging has previously been done at privately-owned islands in the park such as Soldier Cay, Cistern Cay, Halls Pond Cay and Bell Island, which is private property under the law and not that of the Land and Sea Park.

The multi-millionaire and billionaire owners of the islands also provide an important source of public revenue and provide spin-off benefits for nearby communities in Black Point, Staniel Cay and Farmers Cay, the BNT maintains.

Former Exuma chief councillor Henry Rolle, of Black Point on Great Guana Cay 17 miles southeast of Bell Island, said in the case of the latest development at the 349-acre island where building, excavation and dredging had previously been done, the benefits of development will outweigh the environmental concerns.

"People in Exuma need jobs," Mr Rolle said.

"Black Point has one of the largest populations and they look forward to these opportunities. Investors benefit the whole community, and the spin-off in reference to Bell island could be good for them.

"My interest is to give the people an opportunity, to give the investors an opportunity, so my people can have an employment opportunity during these tough times. If Bell Island was the only area in the park that was dredging and excavating a marina I would say 'lets get them' - but it's not."

September 24, 2010
