Showing posts with label Bishop Simeon Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bishop Simeon Hall. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bishop Simeon Hall has chastised politicians for their recent lawless behaviour in the House of Assembly

Bishop Simeon Hall hits out at politicians over House behaviour

FORMER Christian Council president and community activist Bishop Simeon Hall has chastised politicians for their recent behaviour in the House of Assembly, accusing them of contributing to the growing wave of lawlessness afflicting the country.

He noted that MPs represent the country both locally and internationally, and therefore have the capacity to influence the opinion of others.


Bishop Hall said: "Their behaviour is emulated by young people who desire to rise to the annals of Parliament one day. The current level of parliamentary debate in our House of Assembly is becoming less and less inspiring and may have now become a major contributor to the spirit of crime which pervades our country."

The bishop pointed out that people from all walks of life have seen or listened to a parliamenatary debate at least once. "Most recently, they would have seen uncontrollable behaviour; lack of order and respect; and a disregard for those who care to pay attention. It is reflective of today's culture of widespread anger, despair and violence," he said.

"Young and old listening to the parliamentary debate might misinterpret the way MPs speak to each other and cause the public to lower their anger management skills."

Bishop Hall said politicians have an obligation to "work in the best interest of all Bahamians", and that "well-paid officials should do a better job of setting the standard of inter-personal communications.

"If the present tone of debate in Parliament is expected to set the level of dialogue throughout the nation, then we are in far greater trouble than we had first imagined," he said.


Bishop Hall warned that the nation's "anger index" is at an all time high.

"The criminals are committing more horrific crimes; fights in our schools have become commonplace and more violent; domestic violence and child abuse persists; and respect amongst fellow men is dying," he said.

"It is almost impossible for the unemployed, marginalised and despairing Bahamians to listen to Parliament and conclude that his or her position will soon change."

Bishop Hall said it is little wonder that many people believe the Bahamas "lags woefully" behind other nations in the region in "intellectual exchange" and progressive and innovative ideas.

He added: "It is useless pointing to the bad behaviour and disrespect manifested in other parliaments of the world as an excuse for ours.

"One bad behaviour ought not to be used to justify another bad behaviour.

"If we cannot speak strongly to each other - even vehemently disagreeing with each other - without denigrating the person, we fail the rudimentary examination for participation in the ongoing struggle of nation building," he said.

October 26, 2010


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bishop Simeon Hall: The Bahamian people, by and large, have bought into the lie that only lawyers are best suited to sit in Parliament

Bishop Simeon Hall speaks out against electing lawyers to Parliament
Tribune Staff Reporter

BAHAMIAN voters should throw their support behind "ordinary" members of society instead of continuously electing lawyers to the halls of Parliament, said Bishop Simeon Hall.

The senior pastor of New Covenant Baptist Church reasoned that lawyers - many of whom profit from the "present culture of criminality" - cannot be expected to solve the crime problem or change the systems in place which have led to this "national nightmare."

He added that men and women who have proven themselves successful in community building and business would make better political candidates. While several lawyers are the architects of the nation's foundation, and have an indispensable role in nation building, Parliament needs more contractors, successful entrepreneurs, farmers and community builders to take the Bahamas to the "promised land," said the religious leader.

"It is time for the country's electorate to help in reducing the number of lawyers we have in our Parliament and allow more persons from the ordinary walks of our society to participate in our national debate," said Mr Hall in a statement released yesterday.

"There exists an urgent and immediate need for ordinary persons to represent the common masses. It cannot be expected that this national nightmare of crime will be (remedied) by the wisdom of one group. While lawyers, in the main, do not cause crime, they are the major beneficiaries of the present culture of criminality and this cannot be expected to do what is needed to change things."

"The Bahamian people, by and large, have bought into the lie that only lawyers are best suited to sit in Parliament," said Mr Hall as he called all political parties to choose ordinary persons with a reputation of community leadership for their election tickets.

The country needs fresh ideas and new perspectives in the national dialogue, he added, "if we are to change the status quo which sees ordinary persons on the edge of desperation".

August 23, 2010


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bishop Simeon Hall: Illegal immigrants would not be in The Bahamas in such high numbers without the "complicity of some corrupt persons in authority

Immigration appeal 'may become joke'

THE government's appeal for all illegal immigrants to leave the country must be "substantive" or it will become a "joke", Bishop Simeon Hall warned yesterday.

Brent Symonette, acting Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, recently ordered all illegal immigrants residing in the Bahamas to voluntarily leave the country or face immediate deportation.

However, Bishop Hall, senior pastor of New Covenant Baptist Church, said the appeal must not only be given to Haitians and Jamaicans but also to Americans, Europeans and Chinese who he says have "corrupted the system by buying their stay here."

The bishop said: "All persons who compromise the immigration laws of the Bahamas must know that the majority of Bahamians are not prepared for them to have a free ride on the back of those who must work hard every day to build this country."

In the statement, Bishop Hall noted that "it is the government's responsibility to enforce all laws of the Bahamas, especially to protect our national sovereignty. Successive governments have promised during election time to deal with the overwhelming problem of illegal immigration in the country, yet it remains a vexing situation."

Bishop Hall also claimed that illegal immigrants would not be in the country in such high numbers without the "complicity of some corrupt persons in authority."

He added: "Illegal immigrants have corrupted many agencies in our Bahamas and this pronouncement by the Minister must have teeth or it becomes laughable."

August 21, 2010
