Showing posts with label Election Day Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election Day Bahamas. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What all Bahamians must remember is anything is possible at election time if the people are interested and open to making the change they desire... We vote in governments...We vote them out... No party or leader is guaranteed anything on election day... We must work hard during these upcoming weeks to ensure that the best government for The Bahamas is chosen

Voting time nears

thenassauguardian editorial

The parties are almost ready, and most of the country is too, for the next general election.  Though the prime minister has until May to call the vote, it is expected that he will do so before then.  Based on the work that has already been done, it would be reasonable to assume that an election will be held sometime between February and March.  If not, it would be soon after.  If you didn’t already know, we are now in election season.

Based on the registration numbers thus far, more Bahamians will be eligible to vote in 2012 than the 150,000 on the voting list in 2007.  Included in that eligible voter number are the bases of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and Free National Movement (FNM).  For whatever reasons, these people will vote for the party they are aligned to regardless of who it selects as candidates and regardless of who leads it.

The swing voters, who change their minds from time to time, will largely determine the next government.

For the swing voters who are undecided or confused, we offer a few simple suggestions to help in your evaluation process.

It would be wise to initially define what you think are the biggest problems facing the country.  Once this is done, examine the records of the parties on those issues.  The leaders of the PLP and the FNM have been around a long time.  They have clear track records on issues such as job creation and crime management.  It does not take much thinking or research to evaluate the performance of each of the main parties, and their leaders, on issues of national concern.

What must then be analyzed is leadership itself.  In the Westminster system in developing countries, significant power is concentrated in the hands of prime ministers.  The man you elect would need to be competent, fair, energetic and enough of a visionary to help lift the country from its current malaise.

Does the leader inspire you?  Do you think he cares about the country, or does he just want to be prime minister?  Will he listen to the people once he is elected?  Is the team around him competent?  These are just some of the questions that should be considered.

Now, we mentioned the PLP and FNM.  There is also a ‘third party’ in the race – that is, the Democratic National Alliance (DNA).  Its leader is a one-term member of Parliament.  What must be considered here is whether he and the members of his party are ready to govern.

We have discussed the macro-level of voting thus far, but another approach can be taken.  There will be 38 constituency races.  While many Bahamians vote for party or leader, it is just as reasonable to vote for the person you think best to represent you, your community and your interests.

Voting for party, leader or candidate is fine once the decision is a considered one.  Voters should not just place their Xs next to candidates from particular parties because of, for example, family history.

To those who are disheartened by the choices before us this electoral cycle, do not become apathetic.  Look closely before you decide not to vote.  If none of the main players interest you, consider the lesser ones.  Not voting should always be a last option.

What all Bahamians must remember is anything is possible at election time if the people are interested and open to making the change they desire.  We vote in governments.  We vote them out.  No party or leader is guaranteed anything on election day.  We must work hard during these upcoming weeks to ensure that the best government for The Bahamas is chosen.  And when this is done, we must work just as hard to ensure that the people who make up that government do what they were elected to do.

Jan 03, 2012

thenassauguardian editorial

Monday, November 7, 2011

There seem to be more questions than answers regarding the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) party... questions that will certainly be answered on General Election Day

The Democratic National Alliance

By Philip C. Galanis

The mission of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) is to ensure that the needs and aspirations of Bahamian people – to be owners with the government in the political, cultural, and economic development of the nation – are met.

DNA mission statement

Since its launch in May, 2011 the Democratic National Alliance (DNA), the newest political party on the Bahamian landscape, has gained considerable traction with the Bahamian public, especially those who are clamoring for something different in our body politic.  The pervasive pronouncement is that Bahamians are tired of the behemoth Free National Movement (FNM) and the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), or at least of the leaders of those two goliath political machines.  So far, the DNA has named 26 candidates to contest next year's general election and promises to field a full slate of candidates, which is unprecedented for such a new political party.  Therefore this week we would like to Consider This... Does the DNA have staying power?  Can it form the next government and what kind of governance could we expect from this fledging political party?

Historically, third parties have not fared well in Bahamian politics.  The last endeavor of an organized third party, the Coalition for Democratic Reform (CDR), met the fateful disaster of not having any of its candidates poll sufficient votes to enjoy a refund of their deposits.  Therefore, what makes the upcoming contest any different?  Have Bahamian voters sufficiently matured to embrace a third alternative?

Some political pundits and pollsters have suggested that Branville McCartney, the DNA's self-appointed leader, is the most popular politician in Bahamian politics today and that his magnetic mass appeal stems from his courage in taking on his former political mentor, the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham, much as the latter took on his political mentor, the Rt. Hon. Sir Lynden Pindling in 1992.  The only thing that Bahamians love more than a winner is a brash, brazen leader who is prepared to buck the established order.  Will McCartney and his DNA "green team" have what is required to translate those ingredients into a winning team?  And if the DNA cannot win an outright plurality, will they be spoilers, winning enough seats to form a coalition government?

Why now?

Many Bahamians have repeatedly asserted that while Ingraham and Christie are tried and tested, there is a perception that they are tired, with few new ideas, have exceeded their relevance on the political stage and that now is the time for them to exit.  Furthermore, both of those leaders are now in their sixties, and many developed and developing democracies are trending toward leaders in their forties and fifties, including the recent change in Jamaica.

That the DNA has gained any traction at all seems to support the proposition that Bahamians are now ready for a tectonic shift in the established order.  Their appeal could be as much grounded in their freshness and youth as in a yearning for a generational shift, precipitated by our changing demographics.  The DNA seems to be gaining considerable appeal among young voters who increasingly constitute a very large segment of the voting populace.   Furthermore, the DNA has positioned itself as a party of the middle class, compared to the PLP and the FNM who are seen to represent grassroots and elitist voters, respectively.

The DNA's challenges

The most pronounced challenge which the DNA has to overcome is its inexperience.  With the exception of its leader, none of the DNA candidates have any experience in governance.  Those who say that Lynden Pindling and his team did not have any experience in government when he first became premier in 1967 are missing a very essential point.  While it is true that Pindling and his team were inexperienced in actual governance, they were certainly experienced in parliamentary democracy, with many years experience in Parliament before attaining majority rule.  This is an extremely important difference and one that should not escape or be easily dismissed by the green team.

The DNA's first test will be a demonstrable ability to construct a national election machine to stage a national campaign.  If it can do that, the most essential question which McCartney has to address is whether the Bahamian people are prepared to hand over the government to such an inexperienced group of newcomers.   And if the DNA were to win, it will take a very long time for a DNA government to learn the system of governance along with the workings of the deeply entrenched and all-powerful public service, as well as to obtain a basic understanding of how to run a country.  The DNA's first test as government will be the preparation and defense of a national budget, no mean feat for even a seasoned political organization.   And, no matter how brilliant the ideas and vision of the DNA, in our present precarious circumstances, we must ask if our country can afford the time it will take these political newcomers to learn the ins and outs of how to run the country.

Another important consideration is that most of the DNA's announced candidates are unknown on the national scene.  What does the electorate really know about its candidates and their backgrounds?  What do they stand for and have they been successful in their various professional or occupational endeavors?

In addition, the DNA has not yet clearly articulated its platform.  What differentiates the DNA from the other mainstream parties?  We are still not certain what the party stands for and how it will implement its agenda.  What skills do they have in drafting the legislation that it will have to table in Parliament in order to implement its programs and policies?    Who will comprise the cabinet and what experience will such persons bring to their various portfolios?  And is the DNA prepared to make the many appointments to boards, commissions and the foreign service?  These are the essential decisions that will have to be taken almost immediately if the DNA is transformed from a political party to a government.   These are the issues that members of the electorate will have to consider when casting their ballots on Election Day.


We believe that the next general election will be keenly contested, fiercely fought and extremely exciting.  As we saw in the Elizabeth by-election, many races will be cliffhangers and every single vote will be important.

One thing is certain.  There seem to be more questions than answers regarding the DNA, questions that will certainly be answered on Election Day.

Philip C. Galanis is the managing partner of HLB Galanis & Co., Chartered Accountants, Forensic & Litigation Support Services. He served 15 years in Parliament.  Please send your comments to:

Nov 07, 2011
