Showing posts with label Bahamians vote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bahamians vote. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What all Bahamians must remember is anything is possible at election time if the people are interested and open to making the change they desire... We vote in governments...We vote them out... No party or leader is guaranteed anything on election day... We must work hard during these upcoming weeks to ensure that the best government for The Bahamas is chosen

Voting time nears

thenassauguardian editorial

The parties are almost ready, and most of the country is too, for the next general election.  Though the prime minister has until May to call the vote, it is expected that he will do so before then.  Based on the work that has already been done, it would be reasonable to assume that an election will be held sometime between February and March.  If not, it would be soon after.  If you didn’t already know, we are now in election season.

Based on the registration numbers thus far, more Bahamians will be eligible to vote in 2012 than the 150,000 on the voting list in 2007.  Included in that eligible voter number are the bases of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and Free National Movement (FNM).  For whatever reasons, these people will vote for the party they are aligned to regardless of who it selects as candidates and regardless of who leads it.

The swing voters, who change their minds from time to time, will largely determine the next government.

For the swing voters who are undecided or confused, we offer a few simple suggestions to help in your evaluation process.

It would be wise to initially define what you think are the biggest problems facing the country.  Once this is done, examine the records of the parties on those issues.  The leaders of the PLP and the FNM have been around a long time.  They have clear track records on issues such as job creation and crime management.  It does not take much thinking or research to evaluate the performance of each of the main parties, and their leaders, on issues of national concern.

What must then be analyzed is leadership itself.  In the Westminster system in developing countries, significant power is concentrated in the hands of prime ministers.  The man you elect would need to be competent, fair, energetic and enough of a visionary to help lift the country from its current malaise.

Does the leader inspire you?  Do you think he cares about the country, or does he just want to be prime minister?  Will he listen to the people once he is elected?  Is the team around him competent?  These are just some of the questions that should be considered.

Now, we mentioned the PLP and FNM.  There is also a ‘third party’ in the race – that is, the Democratic National Alliance (DNA).  Its leader is a one-term member of Parliament.  What must be considered here is whether he and the members of his party are ready to govern.

We have discussed the macro-level of voting thus far, but another approach can be taken.  There will be 38 constituency races.  While many Bahamians vote for party or leader, it is just as reasonable to vote for the person you think best to represent you, your community and your interests.

Voting for party, leader or candidate is fine once the decision is a considered one.  Voters should not just place their Xs next to candidates from particular parties because of, for example, family history.

To those who are disheartened by the choices before us this electoral cycle, do not become apathetic.  Look closely before you decide not to vote.  If none of the main players interest you, consider the lesser ones.  Not voting should always be a last option.

What all Bahamians must remember is anything is possible at election time if the people are interested and open to making the change they desire.  We vote in governments.  We vote them out.  No party or leader is guaranteed anything on election day.  We must work hard during these upcoming weeks to ensure that the best government for The Bahamas is chosen.  And when this is done, we must work just as hard to ensure that the people who make up that government do what they were elected to do.

Jan 03, 2012

thenassauguardian editorial

Monday, November 14, 2011

Perry Christie, the political hypocrite calls for an independent Boundaries Commission almost 10 (ten) years after the PLP - under his leadership - encouraged voters to vote against a referendum called by the Ingraham administration on 27 February, 2002... One of the questions had to do with whether an independent Boundaries Commission ought to be established in The Bahamas

Bethel dismisses Christie’s call for independent Boundaries Commission

By Candia Dames
Guardian News Editor

Free National Movement Chairman Carl Bethel has dismissed as idle talk former Prime Minister Perry Christie’s statement that the time has come for an independent Boundaries Commission.

Christie spoke of the need for an independent commission in an interview with The Nassau Guardian last week.

“I had the opportunity to put one in and didn’t, but there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that our democracy has matured to the point where it is a major contradiction to have someone sit down in a room by themselves and draw a plan that impacts the future of a country, and not have that done in a transparent way,” said Christie, leader of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP).

“...There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that we have passed the time when it ought to have happened.

“Because of gamesmanship, [political leaders are] able to take advantage of what is really a glaring failure on the part of our democracy where [they] in a very candid way take advantage of this opportunity and this discretion to draft a map that they could just cherry pick and change things around.”

But Bethel said he doubts Christie was very serious about that suggestion.

“Opposition parties, sometimes it seems, say things that they never had any intention when they had the power and authority of doing, and make all sorts of promises,” he said.

“I think, Mr. Christie, if he was serious about what he now says, when he had his Constitutional Commission, would have at least looked at that question which he now raises.

“I do not believe that it is a serious suggestion on his part.  Obviously, it is not a matter that has been canvassed by him or his colleagues for very long.  I think it’s relating really to the moment.  It’s a comment made in the moment and not so much a considered, well thought out, much debated position.

“The Constitutional Commission under the former PLP government didn’t touch it, and it’s one thing to talk to hear yourself talk; it’s another thing to come with a well considered proposal.”

In 2002, Christie and the PLP encouraged voters to vote against a referendum called by the Ingraham administration.

One of the questions had to do with whether an independent Boundaries Commission ought to be established.

Fifty-seven thousand, two hundred and ninety-one people voted ‘no’ and 30,903 people voted ‘yes’.

“I’m not sure that we can accord too much credibility to what Mr. Christie may genuinely feel to be his position at this present time,” Bethel told The Nassau Guardian.

In the interview last week, Christie also accused the current administration of gerrymandering.

But Bethel also dismissed this charge.

“Oppositions always say that,” he said.  “That’s a stock phrase used by oppositions.

“When the PLP created the St. Anne’s Constituency during the last boundary revisions under Mr. Christie’s superintendence, the then opposition (FNM) felt that this was a classic case of gerrymandering because what was apparent to us is virtually as many FNM polling divisions in as many different constituencies had been pushed into this new entity called St. Anne’s, and that the consequence of doing that was to strengthen the Progressive Liberal Party’s hold on at least three constituencies: Yamacraw, Elizabeth and Fox Hill.

“And so in a sense it was a classic case, in our view, of getting three for the price of one, which by any calculation would amount to an exercise in gerrymandering.”

Bethel said there are principles that guide the Boundaries Commission, which is also known as the Constituencies Commission.

“Those principles are usually discussed among the members and agreed in general long before they actually sit down to address the specific questions of the boundaries,” Bethel said.

“One of those principles would be, for example, that the commission would be seeking to attain as near as possible equality in the number of registered voters in every constituency (depending on the island).”

The FNM chairman added, “What is clear and there is nothing that the opposition has been able to say to date — and they had to a lot to say about these boundary cuts —but there is nothing that they have been able to say to date that is able to cast any doubt upon the integrity of the adherence of the Boundaries Commission to the principle that all members, including opposition members, would have agreed at the beginning of the whole process.”

In three of the last four general elections, the party in power that cut the boundaries lost (1992, 2002 and 2007).

Nov 14, 2011


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Will the United States Embassy cables being published by The Nassau Guardian via WikiLeaks have an impact on how Bahamians vote in the upcoming general election?

WikiLeaks: An election issue?

thenassauguardian editorial

Within a year, Bahamians will again be voting for a government. The third non-consecutive term of the Free National Movement (FNM) in office is coming to an end. The general election campaign hasn’t officially started yet, but both the FNM and the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) have hosted sporadic rallies.

The economy, the crime problem and leadership are likely major issues to be discussed along the way. Reading some of the Bahamian blogs and websites, some seem to also wonder if the United States Embassy cables being published by The Nassau Guardian via WikiLeaks will have an impact on how Bahamians vote.

They should, as Bahamians should evaluate as much information as possible before making a decision on the party they will vote for. The times are serious. Irrational voting based on old family ties or tradition will not help advance the country from where it is to where we all want it to be.

The cables present a behind the scenes view of diplomacy in this country and also the opinions of our closest and most powerful friend, the United States. More specifically, they provide insight into how our leaders are perceived by the U.S. The analysis is raw and candid, as it was not meant for public consumption.

The Americans have interacted closely with our political leaders and ruling class for years. It is their job to get to know Bahamian power brokers as demonstrated by their interviews and conversations with FNM leader Hubert Ingraham and PLP leader Perry Christie. It is also their job to get to know the want to be power brokers, such as Cassius Stuart who had too much to say to an American official during the Elizabeth by-election.

The Americans have also worked closely with both parties and both prime ministers – Christie and Ingraham – during their terms in office. At times, as will be revealed in upcoming cables, the embassy officials and our leaders worked very closely together on issues of local and international significance.

Thus far, based on the cables published, Ingraham has come across as over-confident, competent and a little arrogant. Christie has come across as less than organized, a nice guy and indecisive. The Americans have perceived character traits in the men that Bahamians have too.

What the cables can offer to voters is the impression of a critic, the U.S., who has a major interest in The Bahamas. For that critic The Bahamas is important, as it is one of three countries bordering the U.S. Its friendship and partnership are very important to America, as Bahamian intransigence would lead to a massive spike in the amount of drugs and illegal migrants flowing into that country.

The cables present serious analysis from a serious partner. They are not gossip. They are meant to help the U.S. State Department set policy towards this country.

With The Bahamas still not clearly out of recession, a recession that began at the end of 2008, and a fourth homicide record in five years a near certainty, the cables will likely not be the main issue at the general election. However, they will make for some good reading over the next few months.

At the end of this process we suggest that our readers take another read of the volumes of material written by the Americans on the issues analyzed between 2003 and 2010.

Then, if there is a particular issue that piques your curiosity, we suggest questions should be asked to canvassing politicians during the campaign.

Jun 07, 2011

thenassauguardian editorial

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bahamian Students abroad expressed concerns about no absentee ballot voting system in The Bahamas

Bahamian Students Raise Voting Concerns

By Sasha L. Lightbourne


Several students who are studying law in the United Kingdom have voiced their concerns over the fact that there is no absentee ballot voting system in the country.

The students, who for most part, will have the opportunity to vote for the first time in the upcoming general election, are so concerned that they took those concerns to the very top – Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham who recently visited them.

The small group told the prime minister that it is unlikely that any of them would be able to return home to vote as they are studying abroad and wanted to know if plans were on the drawing board to implement an absentee ballot system.

"The government proposes to have voting extended to each high commission, embassy, and consulate for voting in the future," Mr. Ingraham told the students.

"I am waiting on the Opposition’s suggestions, which I asked of them from last November. Once we receive those we can move forward with having all Bahamians vote even though they reside outside of the country."

At the moment, anyone who wants to vote has to be physically present at the polling station in order to mark the ballot.

"It’s about time they do this," Ian-Marie Darville said, who is a student at Kent Law University in England and also the Bahamas Law Students’ Association (BLSA) public relations officer.

The students met with the prime minister and his wife, Delores, on Thursday by invitation from King’s College student, Barry Griffin Jr. who also serves as the BLSA president.

As it stands, applicants for registration must provide proof of citizenship.

A valid Bahamian passport is the first form of verification accepted.

A birth certificate is also acceptable along with an official ID such as a driver’s licence or a current voter’s card and other reasonable documents like a passport, birth certificate or baptismal certificate.

Registration takes place on a daily basis at the Parliamentary Registration Department, the Mall at Marathon and Town Centre Mall, the General Post Office, the Carmichael, Elizabeth and South Beach Post Offices, Commonwealth Bank on Mackey Street, or the National Insurance Board (NIB).

There are also six roving teams that go to major businesses.

Last week Parliamentary Commissioner Errol Bethel told the Journal that he anticipated that some 50,000 people would have registered to vote by the end of April.

May 2nd, 2011


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Where to Vote: The official polling divisions and locations for the 2007 General Election...

The Bain & Grants Town Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 College of the Bahamas, Poinciana Drive
Polling Division No. 2 College of the Bahamas, Poinciana Drive
Polling Division No. 3 C. R. Walker Secondary School, Blue Hill Road
Polling Division No. 4 College of the Bahamas, Poinciana Drive
Polling Division No. 5 College of the Bahamas, Poinciana Drive
Polling Division No. 6 C. R. Walker Secondary School, Blue Hill Road
Polling Division No. 7 C. R. Walker Secondary School, Blue Hill Road
Polling Division No. 8 C. R. Walker Secondary School, Blue Hill Road
Polling Division No. 9 C. R. Walker Secondary School, Blue Hill Road
Polling Division No. 10 College of the Bahamas, Poinciana Drive
Polling Division No. 11 College of the Bahamas, Poinciana Drive
Polling Division No. 12 C. R. Walker Secondary School, Blue Hill Road
Polling Division No. 13 College of the Bahamas, Poinciana Drive
Polling Division No. 14 C. R. Walker Secondary School, Blue Hill Road

The Bamboo Town Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 2 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 3 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 4 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 5 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 6 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 7 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 8 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 9 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 10 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 11 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 12 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 13 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road
Polling Division No. 14 Prince Williams High School, Cowpen Road

The Blue Hills Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 2 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 3 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 4 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 5 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 6 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 7 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 8 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 9 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 10 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 11 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 12 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 13 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd
Polling Division No. 14 Garvin Tynes Primary School, Alexander Blvd

The Carmichael Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Carmichael Primary School, Carmichael Road
Polling Division No. 2 Gerald Cash Primary School, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 3 Carmichael Primary School, Carmichael Road
Polling Division No. 4 Gerald Cash Primary School, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 5 Gerald Cash Primary School, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 6 Gerald Cash Primary School, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 7 Carmichael Primary School, Carmichael Road
Polling Division No. 8 Carmichael Primary School, Carmichael Road
Polling Division No. 9 Carmichael Primary School, Carmichael Road
Polling Division No. 10 Carmichael Primary School, Carmichael Road

The Clifton Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Adelaide Primary School, Adelaide Village
Polling Division No. 2 Adelaide Primary School, Adelaide Village
Polling Division No. 3 Church of God of Prophecy, Mt. Pleasant
Polling Division No. 4 Church of God of Prophecy, Mt. Pleasant
Polling Division No. 5 Adelaide Primary School, Adelaide Village
Polling Division No. 6 Gambier Primary School, Gambier Village
Polling Division No. 7 Gambier Primary School, Gambier Village
Polling Division No. 8 Gambier Primary School, Gambier Village
Polling Division No. 9 Gambier Primary School, Gambier Village
Polling Division No. 10 Adelaide Primary School, Adelaide Village

The Elizabeth Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Faith Temple Christian Academy, Prince Charles Drive
Polling Division No. 2 Thelma Gibson Primary School, Elizabeth Estates
Polling Division No. 3 Thelma Gibson Primary School, Elizabeth Estates
Polling Division No. 4 Faith Temple Christian Academy, Prince Charles Drive
Polling Division No. 5 Thelma Gibson Primary School, Elizabeth Estates
Polling Division No. 6 Faith Temple Christian Academy, Prince Charles Drive
Polling Division No. 7 Thelma Gibson Primary School, Elizabeth Estates
Polling Division No. 8 Faith Temple Christian Academy, Prince Charles Drive
Polling Division No. 9 Faith Temple Christian Academy, Prince Charles Drive
Polling Division No. 10 Faith Temple Christian Academy, Prince Charles Drive
Polling Division No. 11 Faith Temple Christian Academy, Prince Charles Drive
Polling Division No. 12 Faith Temple Christian Academy, Prince Charles Drive

The Englerston Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 E. P. Roberts Primary School, Balfour Avenue.
Polling Division No. 2 E. P. Roberts Primary School, Balfour Avenue.
Polling Division No. 3 R. M. Bailey Senior High School, Robinson Road.
Polling Division No. 4 E. P. Roberts Primary School, Balfour Avenue.
Polling Division No. 5 R. M. Bailey Senior High School, Robinson Road.
Polling Division No. 6 E. P. Roberts Primary School, Balfour Avenue.
Polling Division No. 7 E. P. Roberts Primary School, Balfour Avenue
Polling Division No. 8 R. M. Bailey Senior High School, Robinson Road
Polling Division No. 9 R. M. Bailey Senior High School, Robinson Road
Polling Division No. 10 R. M. Bailey Senior High School, Robinson Road
Polling Division No. 11 R. M. Bailey Senior High School, Robinson Road
Polling Division No. 12 R. M. Bailey Senior High School, Robinson Road
Polling Division No. 13 R. M. Bailey Senior High School, Robinson Road
Polling Division No. 14 E. P. Roberts Primary School, Balfour Avenue
Polling Division No. 15 R. M. Bailey Senior High School, Robinson Road

The Farm Road And Centreville Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Centreville Primary School, Collins Avenue
Polling Division No. 2 Our Lady’s Primary School, Deveaux Street
Polling Division No. 3 Our Lady’s Primary School, Deveaux Street
Polling Division No. 4 Our Lady’s Primary School, Deveaux Street
Polling Division No. 5 Centreville Primary School, Collins Avenue
Polling Division No. 6 Our Lady’s Primary School, Deveaux Street
Polling Division No. 7 Our Lady’s Primary School, Deveaux Street
Polling Division No. 8 Our Lady’s Primary School, Deveaux Street
Polling Division No. 9 Centreville Primary School, Collins Avenue
Polling Division No. 10 Centreville Primary School, Collins Avenue
Polling Division No. 11 Our Lady’s Primary School, Deveaux Street
Polling Division No. 12 Centreville Primary School, Collins Avenue
Polling Division No. 13 Centreville Primary School, Collins Avenue
Polling Division No. 14 Centreville Primary School, Collins Avenue
Polling Division No. 15 Centreville Primary School, Collins Avenue

The Fort Charlotte Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 St. Francis/Joseph Primary School, Boyd Road
Polling Division No. 2 St. Francis/Joseph Primary School, Boyd Road
Polling Division No. 3 St. Francis/Joseph Primary School, Boyd Road
Polling Division No. 4 St. Francis/Joseph Primary School, Boyd Road
Polling Division No. 5 C. C. Sweeting Sr. High School, College Avenue
Polling Division No. 6 St. Francis/Joseph Primary School, Boyd Road
Polling Division No. 7 C. C. Sweeting Sr. High School, College Avenue
Polling Division No. 8 C. C. Sweeting Sr. High School, College Avenue
Polling Division No. 9 C. C. Sweeting Sr. High School, College Avenue
Polling Division No. 10 St. Francis/Joseph Primary School, Boyd Road
Polling Division No. 11 C. C. Sweeting Sr. High School, College Avenue

The Fox Hill Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Sandilands Primary School, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 2 St. Augustine’s College, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 3 St. Augustine’s College, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 4 Sandilands Primary School, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 5 Sandilands Primary School, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 6 Sandilands Primary School, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 7 St. Augustine’s College, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 8 St. Augustine’s College, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 9 St. Augustine’s College, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 10 St. Augustine’s College, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 11 St. Augustine’s College, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 12 St. Augustine’s College, Bernard Road

The Garden Hills Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 A. F. Adderley Secondary School, Blue Hill
Polling Division No. 2 A. F. Adderley Secondary School, Blue Hill
Polling Division No. 3 A. F. Adderley Secondary School, Blue Hill
Polling Division No. 4 A. F. Adderley Secondary School, Blue Hill
Polling Division No. 5 S. C. McPherson Jr. High, Blue Hill Road
Polling Division No. 6 S. C. McPherson Jr. High, Blue Hill Road
Polling Division No. 7 A. F. Adderley Secondary School, Blue Hill
Polling Division No. 8 A. F. Adderley Secondary School, Blue Hill
Polling Division No. 9 S. C. McPherson Jr. High, Blue Hill Road
Polling Division No. 10 S. C. McPherson Jr. High, Blue Hill Road
Polling Division No. 11 S. C. McPherson Jr. High, Blue Hill Road

The Golden Gates Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Carmichael Primary School, Carmichael Road
Polling Division No. 2 Carmichael Primary School, Carmichael Road
Polling Division No. 3 Carmichael Primary School, Carmichael Road
Polling Division No. 4 Carlton Francis Primary School, Seven Hills
Polling Division No. 5 Carlton Francis Primary School, Seven Hills
Polling Division No. 6 Carlton Francis Primary School, Seven Hills
Polling Division No. 7 Carlton Francis Primary School, Seven Hills
Polling Division No. 8 Carlton Francis Primary School, Seven Hills
Polling Division No. 9 Carlton Francis Primary School, Seven Hills
Polling Division No. 10 Carlton Francis Primary School, Seven Hills
Polling Division No. 11 Carlton Francis Primary School, Seven Hills
Polling Division No. 12 Carmichael Primary School, Carmichael Road

The Golden Isles Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Gerald Cash Primary, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 2 Gerald Cash Primary, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 3 Gerald Cash Primary, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 4 Gerald Cash Primary, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 5 Gerald Cash Primary, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 6 Gerald Cash Primary, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 7 Gerald Cash Primary, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 8 Gerald Cash Primary, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 9 Gerald Cash Primary, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 10 Gerald Cash Primary, Flamingo Gardens
Polling Division No. 11 Gerald Cash Primary, Flamingo Gardens

The Kennedy Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 2 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 3 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 4 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 5 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 6 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 7 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 8 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 9 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 10 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 11 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 12 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road
Polling Division No. 13 Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, Old Trail Road

The Killarney Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 2 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 3 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 4 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 5 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 6 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 7 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 8 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 9 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 10 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 11 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 12 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive
Polling Division No. 13 H. O. Nash Secondary School, Dolphin Drive

The Marathon Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Claridge Road Primary School, Claridge Road
Polling Division No. 2 Claridge Road Primary School, Claridge Road
Polling Division No. 3 Claridge Road Primary School, Claridge Road
Polling Division No. 4 Claridge Road Primary School, Claridge Road
Polling Division No. 5 C. I. Gibson High School, Marathon Estates
Polling Division No. 6 C. I. Gibson High School, Marathon Estates
Polling Division No. 7 C. I. Gibson High School, Marathon Estates
Polling Division No. 8 C. I. Gibson High School, Marathon Estates
Polling Division No. 9 C. I. Gibson High School, Marathon Estates
Polling Division No. 10 C. I. Gibson High School, Marathon Estates
Polling Division No. 11 C. I. Gibson High School, Marathon Estates

The Montagu Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Queens’ College High School, Village Road
Polling Division No. 2 Kings Way Academy, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 3 Queens’ College High School, Village Road
Polling Division No. 4 Queens’ College High School, Village Road
Polling Division No. 5 Queens’ College High School, Village Road
Polling Division No. 6 Kings Way Academy, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 7 Kings Way Academy, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 8 Kings Way Academy, Bernard Road
Polling Division No. 9 Queens’ College High School, Village Road
Polling Division No. 10 Queens’ College High School, Village Road
Polling Division No. 11 Queens’ College High School, Village Road
Polling Division No. 12 St. Matthews Primary School, Church Street

The Mount Moriah Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Government High School, Yellow Elder Way
Polling Division No. 2 St. John’s College, Bishop Eldon Drive
Polling Division No. 3 St. John’s College, Bishop Eldon Drive
Polling Division No. 4 St. John’s College, Bishop Eldon Drive
Polling Division No. 5 Government High School, Yellow Elder Way
Polling Division No. 6 Government High School, Yellow Elder Way
Polling Division No. 7 St. John’s College, Bishop Eldon Drive
Polling Division No. 8 Government High School, Yellow Elder Way
Polling Division No. 9 Government High School, Yellow Elder Way
Polling Division No. 10 Government High School, Yellow Elder Way
Polling Division No. 11 Government High School, Yellow Elder Way
Polling Division No. 12 St. John’s College, Bishop Eldon Drive

The Pinewood Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Cleveland Eneas Primary School, Pinewood Gardens
Polling Division No. 2 Cleveland Eneas Primary School, Pinewood Gardens
Polling Division No. 3 Cleveland Eneas Primary School, Pinewood Gardens
Polling Division No. 4 Cleveland Eneas Primary School, Pinewood Gardens
Polling Division No. 5 Cleveland Eneas Primary School, Pinewood Gardens
Polling Division No. 6 Cleveland Eneas Primary School, Pinewood Gardens
Polling Division No. 7 Cleveland Eneas Primary School, Pinewood Gardens
Polling Division No. 8 Cleveland Eneas Primary School, Pinewood Gardens
Polling Division No. 9 Cleveland Eneas Primary School, Pinewood Gardens
Polling Division No. 10 Cleveland Eneas Primary School, Pinewood Gardens
Polling Division No. 11 Cleveland Eneas Primary School, Pinewood Gardens

The St. Anne’s Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 St. Anne’s School, Fox Hill Road
Polling Division No. 2 St. Anne’s School, Fox Hill Road
Polling Division No. 3 St. Anne’s School, Fox Hill Road
Polling Division No. 4 St. Anne’s School, Fox Hill Road
Polling Division No. 5 St. Anne’s School, Fox Hill Road
Polling Division No. 6 St. Anne’s School, Fox Hill Road
Polling Division No. 7 St. Anne’s School, Fox Hill Road
Polling Division No. 8 St. Anne’s School, Fox Hill Road
Polling Division No. 9 St. Anne’s School, Fox Hill Road
Polling Division No. 10 St. Anne’s School, Fox Hill Road
Polling Division No. 11 St. Anne’s School, Fox Hill Road

The St. Cecilia Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 St. Cecilia Primary School, Third Street the Grove
Polling Division No. 2 St. Cecilia Primary School, Third Street the Grove
Polling Division No. 3 St. Cecilia Primary School, Third Street the Grove
Polling Division No. 4 St. Cecilia Primary School, Third Street the Grove
Polling Division No. 5 St. Cecilia Primary School, Third Street the Grove
Polling Division No. 6 St. Cecilia Primary School, Third Street the Grove
Polling Division No. 7 Ridgeland Primary School, Ridgeland Park
Polling Division No. 8 St. Cecilia Primary School, Third Street the Grove
Polling Division No. 9 Ridgeland Primary School, Ridgeland Park
Polling Division No. 10 Ridgeland Primary School, Ridgeland Park
Polling Division No. 11 Ridgeland Primary School, Ridgeland Park
Polling Division No. 12 St. Cecilia Primary School, Third Street the Grove
Polling Division No. 13 Ridgeland Primary School, Ridgeland Park
Polling Division No. 14 Ridgeland Primary School, Ridgeland Park

The St. Thomas More Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Palmdale Primary School, Bradley Street
Polling Division No. 2 Palmdale Primary School, Bradley Street
Polling Division No. 3 Palmdale Primary School, Bradley Street
Polling Division No. 4 Palmdale Primary School, Bradley Street
Polling Division No. 5 St. Thomas More Primary School, Madeira Street
Polling Division No. 6 St. Thomas More Primary School, Madeira Street
Polling Division No. 7 St. Thomas More Primary School, Madeira Street
Polling Division No. 8 Palmdale Primary School, Bradley Street
Polling Division No. 9 Palmdale Primary School, Bradley Street
Polling Division No. 10 Palmdale Primary School, Bradley Street
Polling Division No. 11 St. Thomas More Primary School, Madeira Street
Polling Division No. 12 St. Thomas More Primary School, Madeira Street
Polling Division No. 13 Palmdale Primary School, Bradley Street
Polling Division No. 14 Palmdale Primary School, Bradley Street
Polling Division No. 15 Palmdale Primary School, Bradley Street
Polling Division No. 16 Palmdale Primary School, Bradley Street

The Sea Breeze Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 2 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 3 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 4 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 5 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 6 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 7 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 8 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 9 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 10 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 11 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 12 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village
Polling Division No. 13 Sadie Curtis Primary School, Nassau Village

The South Beach Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 C. V. Bethel High School, East Street South
Polling Division No. 2 C. V. Bethel High School, East Street South
Polling Division No. 3 C. V. Bethel High School, East Street South
Polling Division No. 4 C. V. Bethel High School, East Street South
Polling Division No. 5 C. V. Bethel High School, East Street South
Polling Division No. 6 C. V. Bethel High School, East Street South
Polling Division No. 7 C. V. Bethel High School, East Street South
Polling Division No. 8 C. V. Bethel High School, East Street South
Polling Division No. 9 C. V. Bethel High School, East Street South
Polling Division No. 10 C. V. Bethel High School, East Street South
Polling Division No. 11 C. V. Bethel High School, East Street South

The Yamacraw Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw
Polling Division No. 2 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw
Polling Division No. 3 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw
Polling Division No. 4 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw
Polling Division No. 5 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw
Polling Division No. 6 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw
Polling Division No. 7 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw
Polling Division No. 8 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw
Polling Division No. 9 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw
Polling Division No. 10 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw
Polling Division No. 11 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw
Polling Division No. 12 St. Andrews School, Yamacraw

Freeport, Grand Bahama

The Eight Mile Rock Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Lewis Yard Primary School
Polling Division No. 2 Lewis Yard Primary School
Polling Division No. 3 Church of God - Hawksbill
Polling Division No. 4 Church of God - Hawksbill
Polling Division No. 5 Hugh Campbell Primary School
Polling Division No. 6 Bartlett Hill Primary School
Polling Division No. 7 Bartlett Hill Primary School
Polling Division No. 8 St. Stephen’s Anglican Church Parish Hall
Polling Division No. 9 Eight Mile Rock High School
Polling Division No. 10 Eight Mile Rock High School
Polling Division No. 11 Eight Mile Rock High School
Polling Division No. 12 Eight Mile Rock High School
Polling Division No. 13 St. Vincent De Paul Catholic School
Polling Division No. 14 St. George’s High School
Polling Division No.15 St. George’s High School

The Lucaya Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 St. George’s High School Gym
Polling Division No. 2 Walter P. Parker Primary School
Polling Division No. 3 Mary Star of the Sea Catholic School
Polling Division No. 4 Mary Star of the Sea Catholic School
Polling Division No. 5 St. George’s High School
Polling Division No. 6 St. George’s High School
Polling Division No. 7 Bishop Michael Eldon School
Polling Division No. 8 Walter P. Parker Primary School
Polling Division No. 9 Bishop Michael Eldon School
Polling Division No. 10 Mary Star of the Sea Catholic School
Polling Division No. 11 Mary Star of the Sea Catholic School
Polling Division No. 12 St. George’s High School Gym
Polling Division No. 13 St. George’s High School Gym
Polling Division No. 14 Walter P. Parker Primary School
Polling Division No. 15 Bishop Michael Eldon School
Polling Division No. 16 Walter P. Parker Primary School
Polling Division No. 17 St. George’s High School Gym

The High Rock Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Sweetings Cay Primary School
Polling Division No. 2 High Rock Primary School
Polling Division No. 3 Eric L. Sam Center
Polling Division No. 4 Free Town Primary School
Polling Division No. 5 Water Cay All-Age School
Polling Division No. 6 McCleans Town Primary School
Polling Division No. 7 Freeport Primary School
Polling Division No. 8 Maurice Moore Primary School
Polling Division No. 9 Freeport Primary School
Polling Division No. 10 Maurice Moore Primary School
Polling Division No. 11 Walter P. Parker Primary School
Polling Division No. 12 Freeport Primary School
Polling Division No. 13 Freeport Primary School
Polling Division No. 14 Eric L. Sam Center

The Marco City Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Maurice Moore Primary School
Polling Division No. 2 Freeport Gospel Chapel School
Polling Division No. 3 Jack Hayward High School
Polling Division No. 4 Mary Star of the Sea Catholic School
Polling Division No. 5 Sunland Baptist Academy
Polling Division No. 6 Sunland Baptist Academy
Polling Division No. 7 Bishop Michael Eldon School
Polling Division No. 8 Bishop Michael Eldon School
Polling Division No. 9 Jack Hayward High School
Polling Division No. 10 Jack Hayward High School
Polling Division No. 11 Jack Hayward High School
Polling Division No. 12 Jack Hayward High School
Polling Division No. 13 Grand Bahama Catholic High School
Polling Division No. 14 Jack Hayward High School

The Pineridge Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Hugh Campbell Primary School
Polling Division No. 2 Genesis Academy
Polling Division No. 3 Grand Bahama Catholic High School
Polling Division No. 4 St. Paul’s Methodist College
Polling Division No. 5 St. Paul’s Methodist College
Polling Division No. 6 Grand Bahama Catholic High School
Polling Division No. 7 St. Paul’s Methodist College
Polling Division No. 8 Foster B. Pestaina Center
Polling Division No. 9 Foster B. Pestaina Center
Polling Division No. 10 Central Church of God
Polling Division No. 11 Grand Bahama Catholic High School
Polling Division No. 12 Tabernacle Baptist Christian Academy
Polling Division No. 13 Tabernacle Baptist Christian Academy

The West End And Bimini Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 West End Primary School
Polling Division No. 2 West End Primary School
Polling Division No. 3 West End Primary School
Polling Division No. 4 Holmes Rock Primary School
Polling Division No. 5 Holmes Rock Primary School
Polling Division No. 6 Martin Town Primary School
Polling Division No. 7 Martin Town Primary School
Polling Division No. 8 Public School, Alice Town
Polling Division No. 9 Anglican Parish Hall, Bailey Town
Polling Division No. 10 Holy Name Catholic School, Bailey Town
Polling Division No. 11 Mount Zion Baptist Sunday School Hall, Bailey Town

Family Islands

The North Abaco Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Grand Cay All Age School
Polling Division No. 2 Fox Town Primary School
Polling Division No. 3 Teacher Residence, Cedar Harbour
Polling Division No. 4 North Abaco High
Polling Division No. 5 Cooper Town Primary
Polling Division No. 6 Leasure Lee, Marsh Harbour
Polling Division No. 7 Green Turtle Cay School
Polling Division No. 8 Abaco Central High
Polling Division No. 9 Abaco Central High
Polling Division No. 10 Abaco Central High
Polling Division No. 11 Abaco Central High

The South Abaco Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Guana Cay All Age School
Polling Division No. 2 Man-O-War Cay Public School
Polling Division No. 3 Hope Town Public School
Polling Division No. 4 Marsh Harbour Primary School
Polling Division No. 5 Marsh Harbour Primary School
Polling Division No. 6 Marsh Harbour Primary School
Polling Division No. 7 Old School, Spring City
Polling Division No. 8 Cherokee Cay, Spring City
Polling Division No. 9 Different of Abaco
Polling Division No. 10 Crossing Rocks Public School
Polling Division No. 11 Sandy Point Public School
Polling Division No. 12 Moores Island Public School

The South Andros Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Mars Bay Post Office
Polling Division No. 2 Deep Creek Primary School
Polling Division No. 3 South Andros High School
Polling Division No. 4 High Rock Primary School
Polling Division No. 5 Long Bay Cays Pre-School
Polling Division No. 6 Old Driggs Hill Primary School/Community Center
Polling Division No. 7 Victoria’s Point Pre-School
Polling Division No. 8 Burnt Rock Primary School
Polling Division No. 9 Behring Point Primary
Polling Division No. 10 Bowen Sound Primary School
Polling Division No. 11 Fresh Creek Primary School
Polling Division No. 12 Central Andros High School

The Cat Island, Rum Cay & San Salvador Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Arthur’s Town High School
Polling Division No. 2 Orange Creek Primary School
Polling Division No. 3 Bennett’s Harbour Primary School
Polling Division No. 4 Media Centre, The Cove
Polling Division No. 5 New Bight Primary School
Polling Division No. 6 Old Bight Primary School
Polling Division No. 7 Porte Howe, Primary School
Polling Division No. 8 Devil’s Point Post Office
Polling Division No. 9 Rum Cay All-Age School
Polling Division No. 10 Catholic Church Hall
Polling Division No. 11 San Salvador Elewating Assoc. Lodge Hall

The North Eleuthera Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 2 All Age School, Harbour Island
Polling Division No. 3 Catholic Centre, Harbour Island
Polling Division No. 4 Spanish Wells All Age School
Polling Division No. 5 Spanish Wells All Age School
Polling Division No. 6 Spanish Wells All Age School
Polling Division No. 7 Community Centre Current
Polling Division No. 8 Current Island All Age School
Polling Division No. 9 North Eleuthera Primary School, Bluff
Polling Division No. 10 North Eleuthera High School, Lower Bogue
Polling Division No. 11 Town Hall Administrator’s Complex Upper Bogue
Polling Division No. 12 Primary School, Gregory Town
Polling Division No. 13 P. A. Gibson Primary School Hatchet Bay
Polling Division No. 14 Primary School, James Cistern

The North Andros And Berry Islands Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Lowe Sound Primary School
Polling Division No. 2 Society Hall Lowe Sound
Polling Division No. 3 Nicholls Town Primary School
Polling Division No. 4 Nicholls Town Primary School
Polling Division No. 5 Conch Sound Community Center
Polling Division No. 6 Red Bay’s Primary School
Polling Division No. 7 Training Centre Barc Community
Polling Division No. 8 R. N. Gomez All Age School
Polling Division No. 9 Mastic Point Primary School
Polling Division No. 10 Lodge Hall, South Mastic Point
Polling Division No. 11 Public School, Stafford Creek
Polling Division No. 12 Public School, Blanket Sound
Polling Division No. 13 Public School, Stanyard Creek

The South Eleuthera Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 2 Preston H. Albury High School
Polling Division No. 3 Rock Sound Primary
Polling Division No. 4 Green Castle, Primary
Polling Division No. 5 Wemyss Bight Primary
Polling Division No. 6 Deep Creek Primary
Polling Division No. 7 Administrative Building
Polling Division No. 8 Administrative Building
Polling Division No. 9 Governor’s Harbour Primary
Polling Division No. 10 Magistrate’s Court Governor’s Harbour
Polling Division No. 11 Emma E. Cooper Primary School

The Exuma Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Staniel Cay All Age School
Polling Division No. 2 Black Point All Age School
Polling Division No. 3 Farmers Cay All Age School
Polling Division No. 4 Barraterre School Building
Polling Division No. 5 Stuart Manor Primary School
Polling Division No. 6 Rolleville Primary School
Polling Division No. 7 Rokers Point Primary School
Polling Division No. 8 Forest Primary School
Polling Division No. 9 Mt. Thompson Primary School
Polling Division No. 10 Moss Town Primary School
Polling Division No. 11 George Town Primary School
Polling Division No. 12 Roll Town Community Centre
Polling Division No. 13 Williams Town Public School
Polling Division No. 14 Exuma Resource Centre
Polling Division No. 15 St. Margaret Anglican Church Community Centre

The Long Island & Ragged Islands Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Morrisville Primary School
Polling Division No. 2 Community Centre, Clarence Town
Polling Division No. 3 Mangrove Bush Primary School
Polling Division No. 4 Lower Deadmans Cay Primary School
Polling Division No. 5 Resource Centre, Grays
Polling Division No. 6 Miller School Building
Polling Division No. 7 Simms Primary School
Polling Division No. 8 Glintons Primary School
Polling Division No. 9 School Building, Ragged Island
Polling Division No. 10 NGM Major High School

The Mical Constituency
Polling Division Polling Place

Polling Division No. 1 Public Library Landrail Point
Polling Division No. 2 Cabbage Hill Primary School
Polling Division No. 3 Colonel Hill High School
Polling Division No. 4 Primary School Lovely Bay
Polling Division No. 5 Primary School Snug Corner
Polling Division No. 6 High School Pompey Bay
Polling Division No. 7 Primary School Salina Point
Polling Division No. 8 Post Office, Long Cay
Polling Division No. 9 Abraham’s Bay High School
Polling Division No. 10 Pirates Well Primary School
Polling Division No. 11 High School, Matthew Town
Polling Division No. 12 Primary School, Matthew Town

Caribbean Blog International