Showing posts with label FNM Golden Isles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FNM Golden Isles. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - Part III

Tribune Staff Reporter

HERE The Tribune presents the third part of its series of reports detailing how MPs say they spent the two $100,000 allocations made available to each of them for discretionary constituency enhancement projects between 2007 and 2009.

All 40 MPs were asked to provide the information, however, fewer than half did so and only one of those was a member of the PLP.

See tomorrow's Tribune for the final part of the report:

Fred Mitchell - PLP - Fox Hill:

In records provided by Mr Mitchell on how he made use of the $200,000 available to him for projects in his constituency, it is disclosed that he has so far utilised $110,416.75 of the total sum.

In a breakdown of the disbursements, it is recorded that $7,800 was paid to P C Engineers to buy ten computers for the L W Young High School.

Separate payments were made to an individual identified as Trevor Pratt of $840 towards the renovation of Gleniston Park; $1,113.75 for the renovation of Foxdale Park; $5,500 to assist with renovations to Eastwood Park, and $420 to assist with renovations to Gleniston Park.

An individual identified as Gary Kerr received $10,275.5 for a number of projects.

This total was made up of payments of $4,378.50 for renovation of Freedom Park; $4,797 for the renovation of Canterbury Park with a further $1,100, also for assistance with the renovation of Canterbury Park.

The record reflects that a number of payments were made to the law firm of Gibson, Rigby and Co from the constituency allowance.

This included $1,280 to assist with renovations to the Fox Hill Parade, another $6,720 for the same purpose, $8,062.50 for renovations to Freedom Park, a further $10,000 for the same purpose, and $18,750 for renovations to Canterbury Park. Gary Kerr was identified as the contractor for this work.

A further $21,100 and $8,000 was disbursed from the allowance to assist the Fox Hill Festival Committee, $2,205 and $8,000 for contract work to be done at the Fox Hill Community Centre, paid to Good Deal Builders and $1,030 was paid to the CWT Sales Agency for supplies for the Sandilands Primary School.

Charles Maynard - FNM - Golden Isles:

Mr Maynard said the $200,000 "went a long way in filling various voids throughout" his constituency. "Golden Isles is an emerging area and there are many amenities left undeveloped," he noted.

As such, the money was utilised to develop "from scratch" three community parks, to fund an after-school computer programme, provide instruments for the creation of a community band managed by the Carmichael Police Division, to aid the development of a picnic area in Coral Heights east and refurbish the Coral Harbour Community Park.

Branville McCartney - FNM - Bamboo Town:

Mr McCartney reported that the $100,000 constituency allowance for the provided in 2007/2008 budget was spent on refurbishing four parks in Bamboo Town: Zion Boulevard Park, Mary Ingraham Park, Seven Hills Park and Southern Heights Park.

In 2008/2009, the MP said the entire allowance has been used to develop a park in Fairview Heights, off St Vincent Road.

Phenton Neymour - FNM - South Beach:

Of the $100,000 allocated in the 2007/2008 budget, Mr Neymour said approximately $98,500 has been spent to date on the rehabilitation of the South Beach Park and several smaller enhancement projects.

Work on the park involved site clearance, including the demolition and removal of derelict concrete works and fencing, the installation of a walking track, a 30 by 30 foot elevated gazebo and sidewalks. A new constituency office sign was also purchased.

$73,990 of the $100,000 made available to Mr Neymour in the 2008/2009 budget has been spent to date, and approximately $26,000 has been allocated but not spent. From these funds, two sets of playground equipment and park benches for the Pastels Gardens Park and South Beach Park were purchased,

A contract for a 20 by 20 foot elevated gazebo for South Beach Park has been awarded but not completed. Plans are in place to contract out associated landscaping of the South Beach and Pastel Gardens Parks. This will occur upon completion of the gazebo and a nearby sidewalk in the South Beach Park, said Mr Neymour.

Mr Neymour added that all works were procured in the government tendering process under the Ministry of Works, unlike many of the projects commissioned by other MPs using the constituency allowance funds.

January 21, 2010

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - part I

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - Part II

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - Part IV
