Showing posts with label Minnis FNM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minnis FNM. Show all posts

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Get Lost Hubert Minnis!

Hubert Minnis was prepared to sell his poor political soul to the United Bahamian Party, UBP - at the Free National Movement, FNM Convention - 2022

sour Loser Hubert Minnis
The smoke has cleared over the FNM convention - 2022, and my sitting duck MP, Dr. Hubert Minnis did his best to claim the spotlight under pretext – without success. He announced publicly that he was really more concerned about the governance of the country, and that voting at the convention was essentially a going through the motions kind of thing for him.

I was under the impression that every MP, and aspiring politician are naturally concerned about the governance of the country at all times. So, why is Minnis so extra focused on the governance of the country after his no-good ruling FNM administration was soundly, and devastatingly defeated at the general election polls in September of 2021?

It’s because he is seeking the limelight, but no one is still not on his run. He should have resigned his seat gracefully at the same time he removed himself as leader of the Free National Movement- FNM – following the FNM humiliating general election defeat under his inept leadership– in my opinion. He’s not a graceful and humble man. Rather, he is a mean spirited, vindictive and petty victimizer who hates democracy, and people who oppose him!
Take it from yours truly- who is one of his prime victimized victims - over the years. He also despises other people in the FNM whom he deems to be a threat to his distorted and freaky leadership ambitions.

Yes, Hubert Minnis really detests people like my beloved nephew, the Honorable Shanendon Eugene Cartwright - MP for the great constituency of St. Barnabas; simply because he sees him as a major threat to his kinky political leadership plans. We know who Minnis supported at the convention for Deputy leader of the Free National Movement- FNM. The one who is no threat to him, of course.

Minnis was prepared to sell his poor political soul to the UBP - at the FNM convention, for selfish political gain! That maneuver was soundly defeated by wise and revolutionary FNM delegates - who saw the play coming in to the convention.

Mr. Evil Hubert Minnis
One can see the evil and unforgiving spirit all over Minnis these days. He’s becoming uglier with bad political intentions- as time passes by. He is a pestering nuisance in the modern day Bahamian political arena - in my humble view.

The electorate cannot stand the man, yet – that doesn’t stop him from rambling on at every opportunity. Sitting duck Minnis obviously feels that he is some kind of comeback kid who sees Mr. Pintard, the present FNM leader – as a seat warmer. How much more delusional can a sitting duck MP be?