Showing posts with label UBP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UBP. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2022

The Official Opposition, Free National Movement (FNM) party is in political upheaval

Inside troublemakers who support the return of the former FNM party leader, Dr. Minnis are apparently trying feverishly/violently to frustrate the leadership of one Michael Pintard

Dr. Hubert Alexander Minnis is the seemingly bitter former FNM party leader who refuses to "Get Lost!"

Leadership challenges faced by Pintard historically infamous

By Fred Sturrup | GB News Editor |

Pintard and Minnis of The FNM
Recently during a high level meeting arranged by the Official Opposition in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, the Free National Movement, reportedly there was contention.  The situation boiled over into an embarrassing, brutal physical altercation that left a noted party supporter seriously injured.  Eye witnesses informed that he was savagely put upon by a fellow strong FNM proponent, who has differing views regarding Dr. Hubert Alexander Minnis who led the party to defeat last September.

The Hon. Michael Pintard is the sitting leader of the FNM.  He attained such status in a democratic fashion, decisively.  Dr. Minnis is the seemingly bitter former leader, who did not offer himself for the role when Pintard disposed of several others through the “in order” convention voting process.

As I pointed out in an earlier opinion piece it doesn’t appear that Dr. Minnis is going away.  The view here is that he continues to grandstand, is not really respectful of Leader Pintard, and there is, accordingly,  this emotional spillover to his supporters.  Thus the FNM party is in deep crisis.  Pintard’s leadership is being assailed.

This is unfair and unprecedented in Bahamian politics.

This atrocious scenario never came about before because politicians and their followers of the past, though many of them were strong-minded, their characters did not lend themselves to violence against each other. 

The country’s first political party, the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) saw the leadership pass from Henry Milton Taylor to Lynden Oscar Pindling.  Taylor and a few others were bitter about the new kids on the block taking over, but there was not much of a thought of challenging the new order.

After Pindling’s 30-plus years of leadership, Perry Gladstone Christie emerged as leader.  There was the expected resentment and disappointment felt by those who preferred Dr. Bernard Nottage, but the party moved on handsomely.  Christie delayed his time in PLP leadership, by failing to live up to his own reported time table to demit office. However, present PLP Leader and Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis bided his time, and look where he is today!

The second political party in the country which produced the first government, the United Bahamian Party, had a very smooth transition from the longtime leader Sir Roland Symonette  era to Sir Jeffery Johnstone.

The FNM itself,  went through many changes, in true democratic fashion, never burdened by anything such as inside troublemakers, apparently trying feverishly/violently to frustrate the leadership of one Michael Pintard.

This is not right.  Let the man do his job in peace. 

From Sir Cecil Wallace to Sir Kendal Isaacs and back to Sir Cecil; to the three-time prime minister Hubert Alexander Ingraham; to Dr. Minnis; with interim leaders in place such as John Henry Bostwick, Cyril Tynes, and Tommy Turnquest; the FNM never faced anything even close to the present debacle.

It is therefore incumbent upon Pintard and the others within the FNM who have rationale, to immediately put the house in order.


Thursday, March 3, 2022

Get Lost Hubert Minnis!

Hubert Minnis was prepared to sell his poor political soul to the United Bahamian Party, UBP - at the Free National Movement, FNM Convention - 2022

sour Loser Hubert Minnis
The smoke has cleared over the FNM convention - 2022, and my sitting duck MP, Dr. Hubert Minnis did his best to claim the spotlight under pretext – without success. He announced publicly that he was really more concerned about the governance of the country, and that voting at the convention was essentially a going through the motions kind of thing for him.

I was under the impression that every MP, and aspiring politician are naturally concerned about the governance of the country at all times. So, why is Minnis so extra focused on the governance of the country after his no-good ruling FNM administration was soundly, and devastatingly defeated at the general election polls in September of 2021?

It’s because he is seeking the limelight, but no one is still not on his run. He should have resigned his seat gracefully at the same time he removed himself as leader of the Free National Movement- FNM – following the FNM humiliating general election defeat under his inept leadership– in my opinion. He’s not a graceful and humble man. Rather, he is a mean spirited, vindictive and petty victimizer who hates democracy, and people who oppose him!
Take it from yours truly- who is one of his prime victimized victims - over the years. He also despises other people in the FNM whom he deems to be a threat to his distorted and freaky leadership ambitions.

Yes, Hubert Minnis really detests people like my beloved nephew, the Honorable Shanendon Eugene Cartwright - MP for the great constituency of St. Barnabas; simply because he sees him as a major threat to his kinky political leadership plans. We know who Minnis supported at the convention for Deputy leader of the Free National Movement- FNM. The one who is no threat to him, of course.

Minnis was prepared to sell his poor political soul to the UBP - at the FNM convention, for selfish political gain! That maneuver was soundly defeated by wise and revolutionary FNM delegates - who saw the play coming in to the convention.

Mr. Evil Hubert Minnis
One can see the evil and unforgiving spirit all over Minnis these days. He’s becoming uglier with bad political intentions- as time passes by. He is a pestering nuisance in the modern day Bahamian political arena - in my humble view.

The electorate cannot stand the man, yet – that doesn’t stop him from rambling on at every opportunity. Sitting duck Minnis obviously feels that he is some kind of comeback kid who sees Mr. Pintard, the present FNM leader – as a seat warmer. How much more delusional can a sitting duck MP be?

Thursday, June 15, 2000

The Advent of The First Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Government in The Bahamas



The Miami Herald

Monday, February 6th, 1967

Jim Bishop: Reporter

Randol Fawkes
Nassau, The Bahamas - The election returns came in sporadically.  Neither the whites nor the Negroes believed the totals.  Pindling’s P.L.P., which had 10 seats out of the 38 seats in the Assembly, hoped to add a few more.  The United Bahamian Party needed only twenty seats to maintain the control.  They weren’t making it.

A silent horror fell over the mansions in the limestone hills.  A revolution was in progress.  No bullets bounced off the elegant façade of Governor Sir Ralph Grey’s mansion.  The work was being done with ballots.  Ironically, this had been the weapon used by the Bay Street Boys to maintain power over the natives.

ONE BY ONE, the natives began to win the seats. Dr. McMillan in Fort  Charlotte; Maurice Moore in Grand Bahama East; Thompson in Eleuthra; Levartiy in Bimini and West End;  Pindling himself in South Andros.  When all the returns had been counted, it was obvious that the P.L.P. had eighteen seats; the U.P.B. had eighteen; A.R. Braynen, an independent, had one; Randol Fawkes and his Labour party had one.

Nobody had a clear majority.  The winning party always furnishes the Speaker of the House from the elected Assembly, and neither side could do it without dropping to seventeen votes.  At once a night battle began for Braynen’s vote, more important Fawkes’!

Lynden Pindling offered Braynen the Speakership, and it was accepted.  The Speaker had no vote, except when the House is tied. So contending forces remained 18-18.  Fawkes was in his St. Barnabas district, listening to the plaudits of his adherents, when-so he says-the Premier himself paid a personal visit.

SIR ROLAND SYMONETTE is accustomed to having people come to him.  He knew and so did Fawkes, that revolution hinged on a solitary vote. If Bay Street Boys could bring Randol Fawkes to their side, at any price, Pindling and his “colored “government was stillborn.  “Name you terms,” the Premier said.  “Whatever it is, we will meet it.”

Fawkes has a boyish grin that hides embarrassment.  He poured it on.  A few years earlier he had been banished from the islands; had carried cakes of ice in Harlem to keep alive.  Now he could name his “terms” to the Premier of her Majesty’s Government.  Would he ask a million? A half a million and a ministry? 

The Negro said he was sorry.  He had decided to go along with Pindling.  He had no terms; no price.  It is incredible that, in a lazy group of islands where votes can be bought like seashells, man chose not to be rich.  The answer was, “No.”

This gave Lynden O. Pindling a Speaker and a 19-18 majority in the House.  Sir Roland and his Government resigned.  That night people danced in the streets.  Black-tie diners in the Bahamian Club and Buena Vista sipped expensive soups absent-mindedly.  The world had come to an end.

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