Showing posts with label Nicolle Ferguson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicolle Ferguson. Show all posts

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Outrage after Garden Hills MP Brensil Rolle asked Exumians what they think about the construction of marinas in the Exuma Land and Sea Park

Online outrage after MP poses marina development question
Tribune Staff Reporter

FNM MP for Garden Hills Brensil Rolle got a little more than he bargained for after using his Facebook page to ask Exumians what they think about the construction of marinas in the Exuma Land and Sea Park.

The question was met with an immediate flurry of responses, many from persons outraged that the MP had asked for the opinion of Exumians only after the government granted approval for the development of Bell Island to Prince Karim al-Hussaini, the Aga Khan IV.

The permits will allow for the excavation of 4.32 acres of upland area for a yacht basin, 2.56 acres of sea floor for an outer channel, 4.28 acres of sea floor for a barge landing and 1.9 acres of sea floor for the outer area of the barge landing.

The approval has incensed many Bahamians, and Exumians in particular.

Earnestine McKenzie Bain wrote that if the government is going to allow marinas in the national park, poor local fishermen should be allowed to fish and gather conch from the area as well.

She added that straw vendors should be allowed to harvest the top portion of palm trees growing in the park to use in straw work.

Ms Bain noted that if you only take this part of the tree, it eventually grows back, whereas building a marina at Bell Island will kill precious reefs which will never grow back.

She wrote: "I really don't know why (you) ask the Exumians this question, when you guys are doing what you have planned anyway. To me it makes no sense."

Victor Grant wrote that while the construction of a marina may provide employment for a few Bahamians, the government ought to be formulating a plan to stimulate the economy on a wider scale, particularly to the benefit of former employees of the Four Seasons Resort in Great Exuma.

Terry Lamond Bain wrote: "Why ask people something your government has decided already?"

He asked if the government intends to put a marina on every island in the park.

"While you are at it, give out licenses to run jet-skis in the Flamingo sanctuary in Inagua and develop all other national parks too."

Mr Bain added: "By the way, Mr Rolle, the question ought to be directed to Bahamians - not just Exumians. The Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park is for all Bahamians! If the billionaire Brother Prince Aga Khan is a true environmentalist, he would hand over Bell Island to the Bahamas National Trust and buy all the other islands in the park and hand them over to the BNT..."

Nicolle Ferguson concurred that the MP's question should have been asked before the marina was approved - not after.

"As a young Exumian, I am not at all happy with what is going on around me and what is being allowed to happen by non-Bahamians.

Responding to the flood of negative comments, Mr Rolle wrote: "I just ask the question, nothing personel (personal)".

However, former MP for Exuma, George Smith, said the issue is a very personal one for Exumians, and Mr Rolle should know better.

Mr Smith said: "No one should suggest that the views of these Bahamians are anti to the Aga Khan. There is not one person in Exuma who would not welcome the Aga Khan as an investor.

"But is it right of the government of the Bahamas to say that he can come here and do what any Bahamian can't?

"He (the Aga Khan) is not the culprit. It's the government's fault here. Fair is fair.

"Exumians who have strong views about this should be praised for speaking out and speaking up," he said.

The Bahamas National Trust, which oversees the park, has noted that private islands existed in the area long before the park was created. In a statement issued last week, the BNT said it holds the view that "there is a distinct and fundamental difference between the unrestricted exploitation of public resources within a national park and the acceptance of reasonable access for non-commercial use of private property."

November 10, 2010
