Showing posts with label Paul Moss PDP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Moss PDP. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The People's Deliverance Party (PDP) has elected PLP leadership hopeful Paul Moss as its leader

New political party elects Paul Moss as leader

Business Reporter

THE newly-formed People's Deliverance Party (PDP) has elected PLP leadership hopeful Paul Moss as its leader and intends to run a full slate of candidates in the next general election, according to sources within the grouping.

The PDP "already has 23 candidates" lined up to run in constituencies throughout New Providence and the Family Islands and will have a markedly "pro-Bahamian" platform.

"They intend to launch on May 24," said a source close to the party yesterday. In addition to attorney, Mr Moss, Grand Bahamians Troy Garvey, a former NDP member, and Glen Rolle, are said to both have taken executive positions in the PDP.

The PDP will join the Democratic National Alliance, headed by former FNM MP, Branville McCartney and the National Development Party, as yet another outside political force that will vie for political power in the general election, against the mainstream parties, the PLP and the FNM. Outside political party, the Bahamas Democratic Movement, headed by Cassius Stuart, was earlier this month absorbed into the governing FNM party.

"We believe the Bahamian people are ready for it. Everywhere we go people are saying that they need change and want an alternative and we think that will bode well for us. We basically see this as the best time where we have the opportunity to come out and have an affect on the Bahamian people in a real way and we're excited about their chances," said a source within the PDP.

Speaking about the PDP's philosophy, the source said: "We believe we will run The Bahamas for Bahamians. We're not really moved by what we see in terms of these international companies and persons who may dictate to our government. Our party frowns on the decision of the Prime Minister to relax restraints on foreign ownership in restaurants and entertainment. We believe this is how you swallow up a culture.

"This movement is really about getting the Bahamas back on track. We went off track several decades ago, that is to say there was not a deliberate approach to assisting the Bahamas. The approach of this party will be very deliberate. That is what sets us apart."

As for how the party intends to finance its campaign, the source said the PDP has "no doubt" that it can do so. However, they added that they hope their ambitions for public office can also be facilitated by what they perceive to be a desire for change amongst Bahamians akin to that which brought the PLP to power for the first time.

"If one goes back to mid 60s where the PLP was vying to become the government they did not have all the resources either but there was a moment in that period when Bahamians said 'We are not going to be put on or turned on by money, we are going to do right by our children' and we believe this is that moment again.

"The money is fleeting but if you do what is right you will see the benefits for your children. We have sufficient funds but we know the moment is also right for a 1960s-type movement," said the source.

April 26, 2011
