Showing posts with label Picewell Forbes South Andros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Picewell Forbes South Andros. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2011

Picewell Forbes' friends and supporters claim that the PLP is "showing great disrespect" for him by allowing two candidates from his own party - Keod Smith and Charmaine Austin to openly campaign against him in the South Andros seat

MP attacks PLP over candidates

Tribune Staff Reporter

FRIENDS and supporters of South Andros MP Picewell Forbes claim the PLP is "showing great disrespect" by allowing two candidates from his own party to openly campaign against him for his seat at the next general election.

And Mr Forbes himself told The Tribune yesterday how he feels a "disservice" has been done to him by his political party.

Speaking out for the first time on this controversial issue, Mr Forbes said the "entire country" knows he turned down two very lucrative job offers made to him by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham for fear that his acceptance of them would cause "an embarrassment" to the party.

The furious MP said: "And this is the thanks I am going to get? I should not have to be going through this kind of (expletive)."

A close friend of Mr Forbes, who did not wish to be named, added: "By sending these two candidates to campaign for the South Andros seat, the PLP is showing great disrespect to Picewell.

"Where is Perry Christie? Why doesn't he act in Picewell's defence?"

Speaking out in defence of Mr Forbes, fellow PLP colleague Fred Mitchell, the MP for Fox Hill, told the media yesterday that in his estimation Mr Forbes was, and remains, the best candidate for the people of South Andros.

When asked for his opinion on the fact that the former MP for Mount Moriah Keod Smith and political newcomer Charmaine Austin were campaigning in the area, Mr Mitchell said he believes party leader Perry Christie has already made pronouncements on this that he would not go beyond.

"But I believe the incumbent is a good man, and I support him," Mr Mitchell said.

Out of the two other contenders for the South Andros seat, Mr Smith is said to be by far the most aggressive of the pair, having reportedly pledged to spend $17,000 fixing a dock in the Fresh Creek area, and also donating other cash to help in the staging of the island's annual Crab Fest celebrations.

These "grandiose shows" of money, coupled with the "door to door campaigning" has irritated some PLPs who sympathise with the fact that Mr Forbes is one of the most financially-challenged Members of Parliament.

During the radio programme 'Hard Copy' hosted by former BIS director Steve McKinney, many callers expressed the view that the leadership of the PLP should have by now stepped in and resolved this growing issue over the South Andros nomination.

This view was also shared by a senior FNM yesterday who used the opportunity to remind the Bahamian electorate that it was this same "indecisive leadership" within the PLP that caused the all-important 'independent voters' to turn against that party in favour of the FNM.

With the FNM not even naming a candidate for the seat as yet, some political observers also added that it was unfair to the area's current Member of Parliament to have to be "fighting amongst his own" before the "real battle even begins".

May 19, 2011


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Whitney Bastian confirmed that he intends to run as an Independent in the next general election and regain his South Andros seat in the House of Assembly

Tribune Staff Reporter

FORMER MP for South Andros, Whitney Bastian, confirmed with The Tribune last night that he intends to run as an Independent in the next general election and regain his seat in the House of Assembly.

Lambasting the area's current MP Picewell Forbes, Mr Bastian claimed that Mr Forbes is "not representing" the people in the area.

Mr Bastian says Mr Forbes is losing significant support in the Mangrove Cay area, and if the South Andros seat is cut the way he thinks it will be, he will win the seat "hands down."

"When you look at it, everytime a PLP MP gets up to speak, Picewell is sitting behind them. He is the only floating MP in the House," said Mr Bastian.

Claiming to have more support in the area now than he even had when he was elected to Parliament in 2002, Mr Bastian added that Mr Forbes cannot continue to cry "poor mouth" when it comes to being able to at least visit his people.

"I would have thought that since he doesn't have a headquarters that if the government is paying him $18,000 a year (to manage it), he should have some money somewhere because he never created an office. So if you look at his MP's salary of $28,000 and then he gets a travel allowance to visit his constituency - they even give him a per diem. So he can't find no excuse."

And when it comes to campaigning for the next general election, Mr Bastian said he will in no way be spending the amounts of money that he has spent in the past on the last two general elections.

"I don't have intentions of spending the money I spent before. If the people want me they will vote for me. If they vote for me, I will serve to the best of my ability. In terms of spending what I spent in the last two elections you don't have to worry about that ever again.

"We have to break that habit in South Andros. Because people who do things like that feel like they don't owe the people anything. But people on the Family Islands only need assistance. They only want you to point them in the right direction to get things done. They don't need you to put ya hand in your pocket. But the only way to understand the needs of the people is to sit down an' talk with them."

October 29, 2010


Friday, October 29, 2010

Picewell Forbes is reportedly beginning to lose considerable ground in his South Andros constituency


ALTHOUGH winning his seat by the largest margin out of any candidate in the 2007 general election, Picewell Forbes, the PLP's Member of Parliament for South Andros, is reportedly beginning to lose considerable ground in his constituency.

As a first time MP for the area, Mr Forbes's financial woes have been known for some time - and with a general election less than two years away it appears as if this factor is not being overlooked by his competitors.

Reports suggest that the former MP for the area, Whitney Bastian, still wants to represent the constituency, and with his financial prowess, he could prove to be a considerable obstacle for Mr Forbes.

Political sources claim that Andros - more so than any other seat in the Bahamas - is one area where a candidate without substantial amounts of money cannot be expected to win.

The Tribune source said: "Let me tell you, in Andros you have to dig in your pocket from the time you land until you fly out of there.

"It's like that mindset was established years ago when Sir Lynden (Pindling) was representing them, so it's hard to break that - no matter who you are.

"And it doesn't matter if your MP is doing a good job or not.

"He or she could be in there every other week, walking up and down, shaking hands, kissing babies, attending every funeral, wedding, and pastoral anointing, and yet be voted out because they are unable to provide a contract for their generals."

Attempts to reach Mr Forbes for comment were unsuccessful.

October 27, 2010
