Showing posts with label Prince Karim Aga Khan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prince Karim Aga Khan. Show all posts

Thursday, December 2, 2010

...steps will be taken to commence a judicial review of the decision of Environment Minister Dr Earl Deveaux in his capacity as minister - to allow for the redevelopment of Bell Island in the manner which has been announced by him, his ministry and the Bahamas National Trust (BNT).

Judicial review to be sought over Bell Island decision

A JUDICIAL review will be sought over the decision to allow for the redevelopment of Bell Island, according to a local attorney.

In a press release, attorney Keod Smith stated that steps will be taken to start a judicial review of the decision by Environment Minister Earl Deveaux to grant permission to dredge and excavate more than 12 acres of land and sea at the 349-acre island in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park.

Plans to dredge three areas to accommodate vessels up to 150 ft long, excavate a marina and redevelop a barge landing, were submitted by Islands of Discovery Ltd after Prince Karim Aga Khan bought the island last year.

The permits will allow developers to excavate 4.32 acres of upland area for the yacht basin, 2.56 acres of marine area for an outer channel, 4.28 acres of marine area for a barge landing and 1.9 acres of marine area for the outer area of the barge landing within 11 months.

Mr Smith said: "I have been authorised to say that steps will be taken to commence judicial review of the decision of Dr Deveaux in his capacity as minister to allow for the redevelopment of Bell Island in the manner which has been announced by him, his ministry and the BNT."

"The impact upon my clients, who are Bahamian citizens, is that the pristine nature of the park and the marine and land habitat of creatures inclusive of those that are endangered and/or under statutory protection will be put in jeopardy.

"This decision therefore will have a grave economic impact upon my clients and followed a process which we assert is both illegal and procedurally unfair."

Mr Smith did not name his clients, stating only that he was approached by concerned citizens who wanted to explore the legal options available to them.

December 01, 2010


Friday, September 24, 2010

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham dismissive on questions in relation to Environment Minister Earl Deveaux's resignation offer

Tribune Staff Reporter

THE prime minister yesterday laughed off calls for him to explain his decision to reject Environment Minister Earl Deveaux's resignation offer last week.

Asked by this newspaper to account for the rejection of the offer or provide any comment on the acknowledged fact that Dr Deveaux accepted a free ride in the luxury helicopter of a billionaire Exuma resident who has an application to dredge in the Exuma Land and Sea Park before his ministry, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham was dismissive.

Mr Ingraham was in the process of leaving parliament following the morning session in the lower chamber yesterday at the time the questions on the issue of Dr Deveaux's relationship with the Aga Khan, which the Opposition has termed "a conflict of interest", were put to him.

However, Mr Ingraham refused to provide the justification for his decision or any other comment on the matter, instead continuing on his way out of parliament.

Last Thursday Dr Deveaux told Island FM radio host Patty Roker on "The Morning Boil" that he tendered his resignation to the prime minister the previous Monday - the same morning he saw an article on the front page of this newspaper outlining how he had accepted a free ride in the luxury helicopter of the Prince Karim Aga Khan, the billionaire leader of an islamic sect, while having the Aga Khan's application to develop the island before the Environment Ministry that he heads for consideration.

The prime minister, he said, rejected the offer, and no other official statement was made on the matter.

Dr Deveaux had admitted flying on the 12-seater helicopter to attend a film screening in Abaco before going on to Bell Island -- the island in the Exuma Land and Sea Park owned by Prince Karim -- with BNT executives the next day.

The Environment Minister has also stated he was "minded" to approve plans submitted by Island of Discovery Limited, understood to be headed by the Aga Khan, to dredge and excavate at least 8.8 acres of marine sand flats, rock and vegetation for two channels, 12ft and 14ft deep, to construct a barge landing and 20 slip yacht basin, and roads across the 349-acre island. He passed the plans on to the BNT for their input.

September 23, 2010
