Showing posts with label Sam Duncombe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sam Duncombe. Show all posts

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Earl Deveaux - Environment Minister - Resignation Sought Over Billionaire Islamic Leader - The Aga Khan Matter

Calls made for Earl Deveaux to resign
Tribune Staff Reporter

CALLS were made yesterday for the resignation of Environment Minister Earl Deveaux over plans to develop Bell Island in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park.

Dr Deveaux said he was minded to approve plans submitted by Island of Discovery Limited, understood to be billionaire Islamic leader the Aga Khan. He also admitted accepting a free ride in the Aga Khan's helicopter to attend a film screening in Abaco before going on to Bell Island with BNT executives the next day.

However, former PLP MP Philip Smith said: "Does this sound familiar to anyone else?

"In late 2006, Shane Gibson, quite correctly, resigned from Cabinet in a similar matter involving a permanent residency permit for an American entertainer.

"Maybe when he tenders his resignation from Cabinet, Dr Deveaux will also tell the Bahamian public how much it will take to buy him since he claims he does not 'think a helicopter ride could buy' him.

"I look forward to reading the resignation statement; or failing this, the letter of dismissal from the Prime Minister."

Plans to dredge and excavate at least 8.8 acres of marine sand flats, rock and vegetation for two channels, 12ft and 14ft deep, a barge landing and 20 slip yacht basin, as well as roads across the 349-acre island, have been passed on to the BNT for their input, Dr Deveaux said.

But after they were revealed in The Tribune yesterday, conservationists opposed to any development in the park expressed further concerns over allegations the BNT accepted a $1 million donation from the Aga Khan last year.

Sam Duncombe, from conservation group reEarth, said: "By allowing development in the park, they are destroying the natural beauty, the ecological diversity and history associated with being the first marine park started in the world.

"Does a million dollars negate this critically important focus?

"If this is the case, the BNT hierarchy should resign immediately followed closely by the Minister for the Environment, because it's painfully clear that they have abandoned their directives."

BNT executive director Eric Carey refused to comment on whether the Trust accepted a donation from the Aga Khan, nor would he state the Trust's position on the Bell Island development despite being the usual spokesman for the Trust.

"This isn't an environmental issue anymore," Mr Carey said.

"It's getting too political.

"This requires input from the board so I will let the president know that a statement is expected and he will meet with his colleagues on the board to address all of the concerns that have been raised."

He said BNT president Neil McKinney is expected to return to Nassau next week.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) conducted by Florida consultants Turrel, Hall and Associates Ltd concluded the development would not have a significant environmental impact and the planning applications state "no negative environmental impacts expected".

But in an area where fishermen are arrested for taking anything within the 112.6 acre park, the possibility of approving plans to dredge and excavate in a zone that has been protected since 1958 has astounded former Exuma MP and PLP Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries George Smith.

He said: "We will arrest a Bahamian from Black Point who passes through the cays and catches a few fish, but we're going to let a man come in, because he's Mr So-and-so, and do dredging to 15ft?

"If it was John Brown from Long Island I think it would be a different story.

"I cannot envision that we would want to see that in the park, where after the dredging, the silt will settle on reefs and on shoals in an area that has not been disrupted from the day it was made a park."

September 15, 2010


Thursday, December 16, 2004

LNG Project Approved

By Candia Dames

Nassau, Bahamas

16th December





Minister of Trade and Industry Leslie Miller told the Bahama Journal yesterday that the government has approved in principle the proposal submitted by the AES Corporation to build a liquefied natural gas pipeline in The Bahamas.


The minister was asked to respond to reports in the Trinidadian press yesterday, which quoted him announcing the approval at the IBC/Energy Caribbean conference.

"We intend to diversify and expand the economic mix which will enable us to move ahead", he said. "The environment and tourism impacts can and will be addressed and the government intends to provide the clarity and stability necessary to attract these investments."

Minister Miller's announcement came on the same day that the Tractebel and El Paso energy companies and FPL Group Resources were announcing an alliance geared at sealing the government's approval to carry out a similar project in the northern Bahamas.

Some Bahamians, particularly those who are a part of environmental groups, are worried about a possible adverse environmental impact any LNG project could have.

AES officials have tried to placate those anxieties, assuring communities in The Bahamas and South Florida that any negative impact would be negligible.

Company officials continue to point to the significant benefits that such a project would bring to The Bahamas.

According to Project Director Aaron Samson, the AES project for The Bahamas would pay $7 million a year in business license fees.

The project is also expected to create about 450 jobs during the construction phase and 25 to 35 permanent employment opportunities.

"We're convinced that this is a very finance-able project and we won't have difficulties bringing it to fruition", Mr. Samson told the Bahama Journal in an earlier interview.

Company information says AES owns or has an interest in 160 plants in 23 countries.

Local environmentalists like those belonging to the group ReEarth continue to raise concerns regarding such projects.

ReEarth spokesperson Sam Duncombe has questioned whether companies like AES choose The Bahamas for their projects because of "our country's very loose environmental laws."

"I think a lot of it is that if they choose The Bahamas they would avoid the environmental laws that they would have to adhere to in the United States", she has told the Bahama Journal.

But it is a criticism Mr. Samson has repeatedly dismissed as he pointed to the unwavering commitment that AES has to the strictest international environmental standards.

The entire project would include a liquefied natural gas import terminal; a liquefied petroleum gas removal plant; a seawater desalination plant; an undersea pipeline to supply potable water from Ocean Cay to North Bimini; as well as Ocean Cay employee housing and associated facilities on South Bimini, and an undersea natural gas supply pipeline.