Showing posts with label political leadership Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political leadership Bahamas. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Bahamas Lack Political Leadership

Bahamians are losing out in their country, The Bahamas

Former Minister of National Security A. Loftus Roker says that The Bahamas need to get serious about its illegal immigration crisis

‘This country lacks leadership’

Roker worried Bahamians increasingly marginalized

By Candia Dames, Executive Editor of The Nassau Guardian


A. Loftus Roker - The Bahamas
Former Minister of National Security A. Loftus Roker, who is still widely known for the tough stance he took against illegal immigration when he was minister responsible for immigration, said yesterday he remains concerned that Bahamians are losing out in their country, and lamented what he said is a lack of political leadership.

“When you have no more country, you see where you can go and claim anything,” said Roker, who was asked his views on the controversy surrounding the release of a large group of Chinese nationals found at the British Colonial Hotel without any legal status in The Bahamas earlier this year.

Minister of Immigration Keith Bell has said it was “unnecessary” to transport them to the Carmichael Road Detention Centre, where individuals found to be in The Bahamas illegally are held.  According to Bell, the “irregularities” found at the work site “were expeditiously cured by the employer”.

Roker warned, “All I say is one day Bahamians will find we don’t have our own country.  That’s what I’m worried about.

“The country lacks leadership.  Imagine you had dozens of Chinese without work permits here.  How the hell did they get here? … How did we allow them to land?  We trying to fool ourselves.  We don’t have any leadership.  If you had leadership, you’d know what’s going on.  But what we are doing is keep postponing our problems.  That’s what we’re doing.”

Details surrounding how the Chinese nationals got in The Bahamas and whether they still are currently in country are unknown as Bell nor any other authority has yet to thoroughly explain the matter.

Meanwhile, it is understood that in Progressive Liberal Party circles there is widespread concern over the political impact the controversy ensnaring the immigration minister could have.

Roker wished not to comment directly on a statement made by Director of Immigration Keturah Ferguson in a correspondence to Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Immigration Cecilia Strachan that “it also appears that the expatriate has more rights in The Bahamas than Bahamians”, but he said, “One thing for sure, we don’t believe in Bahamians.  Anybody else better than us.  All I’m saying is we lack leadership.”

Ferguson’s correspondence was sent a day after the Chinese were ordered released not long after the immigration exercise was conducted.

As reported in the media on Monday, Ferguson said in her correspondence that immigration officials received a directive from Bell to have the immigration officers stand down on the operation and that any breach will be remedied the following day.

Even as the firestorm over the immigration matter – including Bell’s swearing in of a family as citizens of The Bahamas during a funeral service last month – builds, Prime Minister Philip Davis has remained silent, with his office saying only that the facts are being gathered in respect of the various immigration issues at hand.

Meanwhile, a purported report to an immigration superior from the immigration officer who oversaw the January 17 exercise at the British Colonial was circulated on social media yesterday.

According to the document, only three of the 65 Chinese nationals found at the hotel were able to produce passports or identification for immigration officials, while all others claimed they had no passports in their possession and were unable to contact the people who may have them.

“On arrival at the hotel, we observed lighting and clothing hung in the windows of some of the rooms.  Shortly thereafter, we noticed an Asian male in the window of one of the rooms,” the document states.

“Based on this, we approached the security officer and advised him of our suspicions.  The officer attempted to obstruct us from entering the building and checking the status of the individual, therefore, I advised him under extreme caution that I was prepared to arrest him for obstruction and continued the execution of my duties.

“The officer then removed himself from the entrance and I instructed the officers to search the first floor of the building.”

The officer wrote, “In the initial search, the officers reported a total of 10 persons, but, after a more intense search, we were able to gather approximately 65 Chinese nationals.

“All subjects were asked to produce their passports and any other evidence of legal status.  Out of the 65 subjects, only three were able to produce passports or identification.

“All of the others claimed they had no passports in their possession and [were] unable to contact the persons who may have them.”

While he did not delve into the details emerging in relation to the various immigration controversies, Roker said yesterday there’s a need for The Bahamas to get serious about its illegal immigration crisis.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bahamians want to know what more can be done legally and constitutionally to address the bail crisis

The bail crisis

thenassauguardian editorial

With the release of the recent murder statistics showing alarming increases, Bahamians are growing increasingly frightened for themselves, their loved ones, their property — and our way of life.

This must be a sobering moment for the Government. It should also be a sober moment for the Opposition, as they too, were unable to arrest the rise in serious crime.

This is not a moment for the Government to lose its nerve or for the Opposition to attempt to score political points on what is arguably the number one issue for most citizens.

One area which most Bahamians feel some headway can be made in the fight against crime is in regards to bail for serious criminals.

The government and Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest should be commended for implementing the electronic monitoring bracelet system, which it is hoped will go a long way in preventing suspects from re-offending.

But it is still hard for Bahamians to understand why so many dangerous criminals are out on bail, mocking our system of justice and terrorizing us in our homes and in our businesses.

Our murder rate would have been lower over the past several years if a number of the persons on bail were still in custody. We have had three record-breaking murder counts in four years. We are on pace to have another record breaking year when it comes to murders.

Rulings by the Privy Council on how long an individual can be held on remand before being released on bail were intended to protect the innocent and various civil liberties. The ruling has had unintended consequences, mostly arising from how unprepared our national leadership was to deal with such a momentous ruling.

Bahamians want to understand what is going on. And they want action.

So far, the political leadership of the country, FNM and PLP, has failed to adequately explain and effectively communicate the details of the Privy Council ruling, which inadvertently helped to fuel the current crisis.

More urgently, Bahamians want to know what more can be done legally and constitutionally to address the bail crisis.

The government has said that it will amend the Bail Act to limit the circumstances under which bail may be granted. From what we understand, there has been some concern surrounding the constitutionality of such a move.

Are there constitutional changes that can be made in this area? If there are, they should be explored, if that is not already being done. If not, it should be explained to the public.

Crime knows no boundaries or person, property or politics.

Bahamians do not want finger-pointing and the casting of blame. There is plenty of blame to go around, including of those citizens who tolerate or turn a blind eye to certain crimes when it is convenient.

Bahamians want and deserve a better explanation in terms of the various issues surrounding the matter of bail. But, more importantly, they are demanding action, arising out of fear for their very lives and livelihoods.


thenassauguardian editorial