Showing posts with label poor Haitians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poor Haitians. Show all posts

Monday, December 1, 2014

Haitians and Haiti don’t really give a crap about their poor countrymen, women and children living illegally in another country

By Dennis Dames:

I’m still following the illegal immigration debate in our beloved Bahamas with great interest.  The hypocrisy of Haitians toward illegal Haitian migrants and their children in our country is unbelievable.  I have heard Haitians from the east, west, north and south talk about us Bahamians, and our lack of Christian love and charity toward their illegal brothers, sisters and children residing in The Bahamas.

I submit, that they don’t really give a crap about their poor countrymen, women and children living illegally in another country.  As a Justice of the Peace, I can tell you that there are thousands of children of Haitian parents who were born and raised in The Bahamas, and who do not know Haiti; and they have not even tried, for whatever reason - to apply for Bahamian citizenship in the legal required time: by 18 years old and before 19.  The young children of Haitian parents under 18 years old in The Bahamas today, of which Haitians from the east, west, north and south pretend to defend, will follow their older brothers and sisters here – and will never apply for Bahamian citizenship – for whatever reason.

So, The Bahamas has a serious and mounting illegal immigration problem to which illegal Haitian immigrants are at its heart; and thanks to successive Haitian governments and diplomats, who have been reckless and careless in dealing with the plight of their countrymen who are living illegally in another country for decades.  What message does the Haitian embassy in The Bahamas, the Haitian government in Haiti and the big mouth Haitians in the Diaspora have for their thousands of Haitian brothers and sisters in The Bahamas who have forfeited their right to apply for Bahamian citizenship, and who have never been invited by their government to register with the Haitian Embassy on Shirley Street, Nassau – The Bahamas?

Where are their Christian love and charity toward their own?  They have none, in my view.  All they want to do is to continue to pass the buck.  Enough is enough, says The Bahamas.  Haitians, wherever you might be, be your brothers’ keepers.  It’s about time that you people live up to your responsibility, and stop blaming others for your indifference toward the least of your Haitian brothers, sisters and children.

December 01, 2014

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Bahamian relationship with the Haitians who migrate here is complicated... Haitians have come to The Bahamas since the creation of the Republic of Haiti in 1804... With the collapse of Jean Claude Duvalier’s regime in the mid-1980s, however, those flows increased Haiti’s poor looked for new lives in new places

Embracing multiculturalism

thenassauguardian editorial

The comments of Haitian President Michel Martelly to Haitian-Bahamians when he recently visited The Bahamas led to much debate.  Martelly advised Bahamians of Haitian descent to form a voting bloc, and to vote for the party that has their best interests at heart.  His remarks exposed raw emotions on the immigration issue in our country.

The modern Bahamas is a nation created through migration.  The Amerindians Christopher Columbus met here 520 years ago are no more.  Europeans and Africans displaced those people when permanent contact was made between the old and new worlds.

Today’s Bahamas is even more ethnically and culturally dynamic.  People from the Middle East, China and India also call this country home.  They bring their experiences to our cultural mix, expanding The Bahamas.

The Bahamian relationship with the Haitians who migrate here is complicated.  Haitians have come to The Bahamas since the creation of the Republic of Haiti in 1804.  With the collapse of Jean Claude Duvalier’s regime in the mid-1980s, however, those flows increased as Haiti’s poor looked for new lives in new places.

Some Bahamians resent the large number of poor Haitians who have come here looking for a second chance.  Some Haitians are upset at the discriminatory treatment they have received from some Bahamians.

Martelly should not have gotten involved in Bahamian politics while visiting.  Staying out of local politics while on foreign trips is a convention of diplomacy, but his intrusion into Bahamian politics is no excuse for bigotry and xenophobia.

The Government of The Bahamas has as a responsibility of carrying out the laws of the country.  It should provide our border protection officers with all the resources needed to prevent people from illegally entering Bahamian territory.  Foreigners who come here illegally should be repatriated in accordance with the law.

But what must be remembered is that those who are given citizenship are Bahamians once that decision is made.  They should be afforded the same rights and privileges as other Bahamians.

We can debate who should be given permanent residence as opposed to citizenship.  Countries have the authority to set residency standards based on the consensus of the times.  However, we should not disparage those given status or argue that they are lesser citizens if citizenship was granted.

In deciding to become part of our community these new Bahamians bring different ideas, languages, traditions, foods and energies to our already multicultural society.  And as a culturally richer community, we should work together to solve common problems.

Haitian-Bahamians should not close themselves off and form exclusive political blocs to defend themselves.  Haitian-Bahamians should, like all other Bahamians, examine the various political parties and candidates and determine who is best to advance The Bahamas.

Conversely, “native” Bahamians should not fear the inclusion of new people into our commonwealth.  What should exist is an immigration policy that can reasonably control who comes to The Bahamas.  We should seek to recruit people from around the world – in the numbers we think reasonable – to add skills to our country.  In doing so, we as a nation become stronger.

When governments are unable to police the flow of people to a territory, the established community becomes suspicious.  Hence, it is important for clear immigration policy to exist and resources to be provided to help ensure the policy is enforced.

We hope the passions cool on this issue.  Ethnic rivalry has made many countries unstable and has led to conflict and war.

Mar 23, 2012

thenassauguardian editorial