Showing posts with label illegal Haitian migrants Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illegal Haitian migrants Bahamas. Show all posts

Monday, December 1, 2014

Haitians and Haiti don’t really give a crap about their poor countrymen, women and children living illegally in another country

By Dennis Dames:

I’m still following the illegal immigration debate in our beloved Bahamas with great interest.  The hypocrisy of Haitians toward illegal Haitian migrants and their children in our country is unbelievable.  I have heard Haitians from the east, west, north and south talk about us Bahamians, and our lack of Christian love and charity toward their illegal brothers, sisters and children residing in The Bahamas.

I submit, that they don’t really give a crap about their poor countrymen, women and children living illegally in another country.  As a Justice of the Peace, I can tell you that there are thousands of children of Haitian parents who were born and raised in The Bahamas, and who do not know Haiti; and they have not even tried, for whatever reason - to apply for Bahamian citizenship in the legal required time: by 18 years old and before 19.  The young children of Haitian parents under 18 years old in The Bahamas today, of which Haitians from the east, west, north and south pretend to defend, will follow their older brothers and sisters here – and will never apply for Bahamian citizenship – for whatever reason.

So, The Bahamas has a serious and mounting illegal immigration problem to which illegal Haitian immigrants are at its heart; and thanks to successive Haitian governments and diplomats, who have been reckless and careless in dealing with the plight of their countrymen who are living illegally in another country for decades.  What message does the Haitian embassy in The Bahamas, the Haitian government in Haiti and the big mouth Haitians in the Diaspora have for their thousands of Haitian brothers and sisters in The Bahamas who have forfeited their right to apply for Bahamian citizenship, and who have never been invited by their government to register with the Haitian Embassy on Shirley Street, Nassau – The Bahamas?

Where are their Christian love and charity toward their own?  They have none, in my view.  All they want to do is to continue to pass the buck.  Enough is enough, says The Bahamas.  Haitians, wherever you might be, be your brothers’ keepers.  It’s about time that you people live up to your responsibility, and stop blaming others for your indifference toward the least of your Haitian brothers, sisters and children.

December 01, 2014

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

No illegal Haitian apprehension exercises in six months

Hold on Haitian round-ups
BY JUAN MCCARTNEY ~ Guardian Senior Reporter ~

The Department of Immigration has not conducted any illegal Haitian apprehension exercises in six months, The Nassau Guardian has learned.

The department had suspended apprehension exercises following the massive earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, which destroyed the capital city on January 12.

Following the disaster, the government also ceased Haitian repatriations and released 102 illegal Haitian migrants who were being held at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre.

However, on April 5, the government stated that the apprehension and repatriation of any "new" illegal Haitian migrants had resumed.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Brent Symonette yesterday admitted that no apprehension exercises have been conducted since January.

"If you're wondering if we have gone out on apprehension exercises, no," Symonette said.

Apprehension exercises were commonplace before the earthquake.

Symonette, who has ministerial responsibility for immigration, did not say why the apprehension exercises had not resumed, but earlier this week, he explained that immigration officers are apprehending illegal Haitian migrants as they encounter them.

"In the event (or) in the course of an investigation, if we're out in a neighborhood either doing a review of someone's home or we come across a certain situation, persons have been apprehended (but) not in any great numbers," he said at a press conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday.

"If we're advised of or come across any persons that are here illegally, they will be apprehended ... that's been ongoing."

At that press conference, Symonette also revealed that the government does not know the whereabouts of 40 of the 102 migrants who were released from the Detention Centre in January.

The migrants were given six months' temporary status and were asked to return to the department in March.

After the March check-in, they were asked to report back in June.

Symonette said that has not yet happened, but there is no official position on what will happen to those 62 migrants when and if they do report.

"I'll have to consult with my Cabinet colleagues with regard to those," he said, stating that the matter was not a decision he could make unilaterally.

Symonette also admitted that those 40 migrants who did not report to the department in January disregarded the terms of their release.

"We have two different categories: one [comprised of those] who've totally ignored the position and one set that have come in," he said.

In total, 15 women, three children, and 84 men were released from the holding facility.

Speaking at a press conference in January on his government's decision to release the Haitian migrants, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham pointed to a New York Times editorial that said, "Burdening a collapsed country with destitute deportees would be a true crime."

The Bahamas repatriated more than 5,000 undocumented Haitians last year.

In the 2009/2010 fiscal year, the government allocated $1.5 million for repatriation exercises. In the upcoming fiscal year $1 million has been allocated.

Following an emergency meeting in the Dominican Republic several days after the earthquake, Ingraham announced that as part of the temporary immigration policy, undocumented Haitian nationals apprehended in The Bahamas after the disaster would be charged in court so they could be detained for longer periods of time.

That policy has since been abandoned.

June 16, 2010


Monday, March 1, 2010

Branville McCartney - Minister of state for immigration resigns

By Juan Mccartney ~ Guardian Senior Reporter ~

In a move that caught many by surprise yesterday Bamboo Town MP Branville McCartney resigned his post in Cabinet, but told The Nassau Guardian that he remains a committed FNM MP and is loyal to the leadership of Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.

In an exclusive interview with The Guardian last night, McCartney said that while he would not publicly comment on the reasoning behind his resignation as minister of state for immigration, or how it was done, he wanted his position to be clear.

"I will continue to represent the people of Bamboo Town," he said. "In fact, we're going to be taking Bamboo Town to a whole other level."

McCartney also said that he would remain a member of the Free National Movement (FNM) and has no intention of becoming an independent MP or any plans to "engage in any discussion about joining the Progressive Liberal Party."

"I wouldn't even entertain the thought," said McCartney, when asked about the possibility of switching his party allegiance.

"I am committed to the FNM and Hubert Ingraham. They are the best choice for this Bahamas at this time. And they have my full support."

McCartney then reiterated that the FNM is "without question" the party best-suited to govern the country. McCartney declined further comment.

McCartney was noticeably absent from the mid-year budget presentation in The House of Assembly on Wednesday. He was said to be on vacation with his family.

Sources close to McCartney said he had been planning to resign since January, but stayed on because he didn't want to hurt the FNM's chances in the Elizabeth by-election last month.

The move comes after there had been widespread speculation in political circles that McCartney was unhappy with at least two major decisions that were recently made in Immigration without his prior knowledge.

In a statement sent out Sunday evening, Prime Minster Hubert Ingraham confirmed that he had accepted McCartney's resignation, and while "the resignation of a minister or minister of state is always regrettable, I cannot say that I am completely surprised by Mr. McCartney's decision.

"Each of us in politics (is) bound to follow what we believe to be the best course of action in the interest of the people we are privileged to represent, and in accordance with our own convictions and perceptions at any given time," said Ingraham. "I have no doubt that Mr. McCartney, as he indicates, has given serious consideration to the action he has taken."

The Guardian understands that McCartney was not told that newly-appointed Royal Bahamas Defence Force Commodore Roderick Bowe would be leaving his post as deputy director of immigration last month in order to assume command of the RBDF.

McCartney reportedly learned of the plan to transfer Bowe when he read about it in the newspaper.

McCartney was also said to be very unhappy that the prime minister changed the national policy toward illegal Haitian migrants after a 7.0 earthquake devastated Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince on January 12.

On January 14, Ingraham announced at an FNM news conference that as a result of the earthquake, the 102 illegal Haitian migrants at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre would be released and given some sort of temporary residency status. Ingraham also suspended the apprehension and repatriation of illegal Haitian migrants.

That news sparked heated debate among the general public.

On January 15, McCartney told The Guardian that his superiors made the call and his job was to ensure that the mandate was carried out.

"This was a decision made at a higher level. I am quite sure that the decision that was made is in the best interests of the country and it's something that we are carrying out," McCartney said.

However, there were reports that McCartney was not informed of the decision prior to its announcement and privately disagreed with the move, viewing it as a hasty decision as the situation on the ground in Haiti was still being assessed.

The public outcry forced Ingraham to repeatedly clarify the government's position on the issue, with the prime minister further stating that the government's policy would be that any new illegal Haitian migrants caught in the country would be taken to court and charged in order for the government to legally hold them for an extended period.

Two weeks later there still seemed to be some confusion as to what the government's policy toward illegal Haitian migrants was.

On January 27, Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette (the substantive minister responsible for immigration) and McCartney had two separate views on what should happen to a group of illegal Haitian migrants that landed in the Coral Harbour area the previous day.

Symonette, who was interviewed as he was going into a Cabinet meeting, said the immigrants would "more than likely" be released.

Minutes later McCartney - who was not yet aware of what the senior minister had told reporters - said he planned to stick to the prime minister's previously stated policy.

Not long after that, Prime Minister Ingraham showed up and said that his policy of charging the immigrants still stood.

The immigrants were charged with illegal landing that day. The men were sent to prison for six months, and the women were sent to the detention center, along with the children in the group.

McCartney has been widely considered as a front-runner for the leadership of the FNM in the future.

He was also widely praised as an effective minister of immigration.

In a statement sent on behalf of the PLP yesterday, PLP chairman Bradley Roberts said that the country should be told the "truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth," regarding McCartney's resignation.

"The resignation of Branville McCartney as minister of state for immigration is a source of serious concern for the country," Roberts said in a brief statement sent out last night in the wake of McCartney's resignation.

"Mr. McCartney was responsible for driving the immigration policy of the government. In the midst of a crisis in immigration, the minister resigns," he said. "The prime minister must give a full and frank explanation for the comment of Mr. McCartney that he believed that he was being stagnated within Mr. Ingraham's Cabinet and could not fulfill his full potential." Roberts called McCartney's resignation "a serious indictment" of the current Ingraham administration.

"His resignation has exposed the truth of how Mr. Ingraham governs the country and his party," Roberts said. The PLP believes that the country is not well served by the conduct of public affairs led with bombast, harsh words and disrespect as a hallmark of governance. We warned against it from the day Mr. Ingraham first took office. Now the FNM has turned on one of its own."

March 01, 2010
