Showing posts with label work permits Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work permits Bahamas. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2023

The Bahamas Department of Immigration new policies regarding acceptance and processing of applications for Work Permits and Permits to Reside from the Republic of Haiti

The Bahamas Department of Immigration announces changes to policies regarding acceptance and processing of applications for Work Permits and Permits to Reside from the Republic of Haiti

The Hon. Keith Bell, The Bahamas Minister of Labour and Immigration
In light of recent instability involving the Haitian Government in Haiti, the Government of The Bahamas has made decisions that will affect migrants from Haiti, said Minister of Labour and Immigration the Hon. Keith Bell during a press conference at the Ministry of Labour Friday, January 27, 2023.

“Existing and new Permit to Reside applications for Haitian citizens will only be considered on a case-by-case basis and approval will only be granted in the most exceptional circumstances.

“No new Work Permit applications for Haitian citizens will be processed until such time as revised protocols are introduced to verify and authenticate documents issued by the Haitian government and the Haitian national police,” Minister Bell said.

“All existing work permits, applications and renewals for work permits will be subjected to the most vigorous review and scrutiny.  Applicants should note that as a consequence, the time frame for the processing and determination of such applications will be impacted.”

“The government of the Bahamas is resolute in its commitment to protect its borders and enforce its immigration laws,” Minister Bell said.  “If you have information of breaches to the immigration laws, please contact the Department of Immigration and information can also be forwarded via the Department’s website at under the tab ‘contact us!'”

“On Thursday, the 26th January, 2023,” Minister Bell said, “the Haitian National Police paralysed Port-au-Prince, Haiti by blocking streets and forcing their way into Haiti’s main airport.  Reports indicate that the officers also attacked Haiti’s Head of Government Ariel Henry’s official residence. Roads in several cities in the North of Haiti were blocked by protesters.  Yesterday’s protest by the Haitian National Police followed the departure from office of Haiti’s last remaining Senators and represents a further decline in the functioning and stability of the Haitian Government.”

Last evening, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance the Hon. Philip Davis ordered an immediate involuntary departure from Haiti of all Bahamian diplomatic personnel as soon as security conditions permit.

The Bahamas maintains a strict regulatory framework for the review and processing of all immigration applications.  This process requires each applicant to produce various reports and certifications from their home countries. A key report is a character certificate from local police authorities to confirm any criminal history of an applicant.

Additionally, in many instances, the Department of Immigration may require applicants to attend the Bahamian Embassy or Consulate in the applicant’s home country when immigration officials require enhanced verification.

In response to yesterday’s events, the Department of Immigration hereby advises the public of changes to its policies concerning the acceptance and processing of applications for Work Permits and Permits to Reside from the Republic of Haiti.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Department of Immigration has decreased the number of work permits issued in 2011 by 24 per cent due to the high level of unemployment among Bahamians

Cut in work permits to help Bahamians

Tribune News Reporter

BECAUSE of the high level of unemployment, the Department of Immigration decreased the number of work permits issued in 2011 by 24 per cent, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Immigration Brent Symonette said yesterday.

From January 1 to December 31, 2011, the Department of Immigration issued 7,091 work permits, 2,299 less than the 9,390 issued in 2010 and 1,025 less than 2009.

Mr Symonette revealed these statistics while answering questions posed to him by Opposition members in the House of Assembly.

"We are putting Bahamians first," Mr Symonette said.

"We are not issuing permits to foreigners for jobs Bahamians can do. The department has tightened its level of scrutiny on work permit applications and as a consequence 2,299 fewer permits were issued in 2011 than in 2010. Another reason for the decrease is a lot of the companies that were in the Bahamas are no longer here so their employees went with them. To say the economic downturn is the only reason is not entirely correct but it is one of the main reasons."

Of the 7,091 work permits issued last year 53 per cent or 3,793 were given to housekeepers and handymen - 1,671 and 2,122 respectively.

Mr Symonette said the reason for the high numbers is because Bahamians simply "don't want the jobs."

"More than half of the work permits went to non-skilled labour. Bahamians complain about the number of work permits we issue and the unemployment rate however they refuse to do the jobs. They think its menial and beneath them and they just won't do it. Well, you can't have your cake and eat it too," he said.

"A lot of Bahamian households have Jamaican maids and because Bahamian women rather apply to work in the hotel as housekeepers than in a home. Then you have a large category of Peruvian and Filipino live ins. These people require work permits. You have a large number of Haitian gardeners. I know one man who has had his work permit renewed 20 times because Bahamians just won't do the work."

Work permits for construction workers decreased by 53 per cent, from 565 in 2010 to 291 in 2011. Farm labourers also decreased significantly from 549 to 441. In fact, of the 24 categories of jobs that foreigners were granted work permits in 2011 all but eight saw decreases compared to the same period in 2010.

The categories where increases were seen are listed as follows:

* Cooks: 141 - 145

* Consultants: 51 - 89

* Guest Organisers: 49 - 64

* Maintenance Men: 49 - 59

* Presidents: 0 - 3

* Projects Mangers: 43 - 57

* Surveyors: 25-31

* Attorneys: 0 - 4

Mr Symonette said the government expects more declines in the issuance of voters cards with the introduction of the new training programme, which is designed to provide more Bahamians with skills for jobs now being done by non Bahamians.

Of the 7,091 work permits issued last year. 5,958 were issued on new tamper proof, electronic cards.

February 07, 2012
