Showing posts with label Bamboo Town MP Branville McCartney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bamboo Town MP Branville McCartney. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Is Bamboo Town MP - Branville McCartney - Ready To Lead The Free National Movement (FNM)?

thenassauguardian editorial

There seems to be a lot of talk these days about Bamboo Town MP Branville McCartney taking over the leadership of the Free National Movement, and running for the post of prime minister.

At the outset, it should be pointed out that McCartney may have a long way to go before he finds himself ready for that position.

As far as becoming the leader for the FNM, well, let's just say while that road may be shorter than the one that leads to prime minister status, young McCartney may find the way to the FNM leadership to be an uphill battle.

His recent suggestions for the prime minister to"pass the baton"to a new generation of politicians reveals his thinking on the matter.

But does Branville McCartney have what it takes to take over the leadership of the party and eventually become the next prime minister of the country? Some say he hasn't paid his dues in politics yet and has to tow the line.

During a recent news conference at the House of Assembly, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham when asked about possible challenges to his leadership of the FNM, said that he had no problems with anyone who wished to challenge him.

He added that he had no problems handing over the leadership of the party and going back into retirement, where he was when the party brought him back into front-line politics.

It may have seemed easy for the prime minister to say that, but anyone who knows him knows he won't sit back and be dictated to. In fact, Hubert Ingraham is infamous for his "take charge" personality.

It's probably part of what makes him a leader.

In spite of what he says, Hubert Ingraham will not allow just anyone to take over the FNM party, even if he's stepping down. He will no doubt have a say in who eventually runs the party.

But should that baton be handed to McCartney?

Hypothetically, let's imagine who would get the leadership of the Free National Movement if Prime Minister Ingraham chooses to move back into retirement.

Who are the possibles for leadership in the party - Zhivargo Laing, Brent Symonette, Neko Grant, Kenneth Russell, Tommy Turnquest, Carl Bethel, Dr. Hubert Minnis, Branville McCartney?

Do any of those names ring a bell for FNM leadership? Or does Ingraham have someone else in mind?

The public push of Branville McCartney for leadership and prime ministership does not in any way move Prime Minister Ingraham.


thenassauguardian editorial

Monday, October 4, 2010

Branville McCartney: It does not make "good political sense" for the Bahamian people to know - at the last minute - who will lead the Free National Movement (FNM) into the next general election

Tribune Staff Reporter

IT does not make "good political sense" for the country not to not know who will lead the Free National Movement into the next general election until the last minute, said Bamboo Town MP Branville McCartney.

His comments came on the heels of a decision by the Free National Movement's national council not to hold a convention until 2011 - months before the next general election. It was speculated that if the party held a convention this year, Mr McCartney would have been nominated to challenge Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham for the party's top spot, a nomination the former Cabinet minister has said he would accept.

Earlier, Mr Ingraham said the party's convention would be held on November 5, 2010, but on Wednesday he announced that he advised the council not to hold the event, citing financial challenges as a main reason.

The final decision was up to the council's vote, said Mr Ingraham, but some political observers see it as a way to block Mr McCartney from a leadership bid.

Yesterday Mr McCartney said he was fine with the council's decision, which indicates the party is satisfied with its current leadership.

"That is the voice of the party, the party has indicated what they wanted," he told The Tribune. "It would be good to know where the party is headed and not to wait for the last minute to determine where the party is headed and how the leadership team will look. That in my view doesn't make good political sense but I guess the party understands, and if the party wishes to go forward with the same leadership slate, that's fine."

Mr Ingraham has said he will announce at the end of the year whether or not he plans to offer himself as leader of the party leading up to the next general election which is slated for 2012.

Mr McCartney added that, despite some reports, he is not actively seeking an opportunity to grab the leadership of the party, but would not shy away from the opportunity if it arose.

"Some people say out there that I am looking for (the FNM's) leadership. I have always said that if I am given the opportunity - I cannot nominate myself - that's for the people of the FNM to do, not me. If I am given the opportunity I would welcome it."

He said the country has had 40 years of the same politics adding it is time for a shift in mindset.

"I do think we need to move on by way of our mindset. Our mindset has not changed for 40 years. We need to take it to another level, start thinking outside the box."

Aside from himself he said there are others within the party who are also fit to lead - such as Education Minister Desmond Bannister, State Finance Minister Zhirvargo Laing, Health Minister Dr Hubert Minnis and former leader of the FNM, National Security Minister Tommy Turnquest.

Mr McCartney, former state immigration minister, resigned from Cabinet earlier this year, but remains a member of the FNM.

October 02, 2010
