Showing posts with label FNM party Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FNM party Bahamas. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2022

Shanendon Cartwright, Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition - Free National Movement - FNM, Condemns National Security Minister Wayne Munroe public utterances on how the law should be interpreted with regard to adults who prey on underage girls


Shanendon Cartwright - FNM MP - St. Barnabas Constituency
I join with all right-thinking Bahamians in condemning the utterances of Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe with regard to how the law should be interpreted with regard to adults who prey on underage girls.

His opinions on consent are repugnant and have no place in a civilized country.

What the minister should be doing as a lawmaker is advocating for stronger laws to protect children, and a no tolerance approach as the minister of national security, as opposed to alerting child predators as to how they can beat the system.

If he cannot advocate on behalf of protecting children and law abiding citizens, then he should reconsider his current career choice.

The prime minister must urgently reign his national security minister in.

Shanendon Cartwright, M.P.
Deputy Leader
The Free National Movement

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Is Bamboo Town MP - Branville McCartney - Ready To Lead The Free National Movement (FNM)?

thenassauguardian editorial

There seems to be a lot of talk these days about Bamboo Town MP Branville McCartney taking over the leadership of the Free National Movement, and running for the post of prime minister.

At the outset, it should be pointed out that McCartney may have a long way to go before he finds himself ready for that position.

As far as becoming the leader for the FNM, well, let's just say while that road may be shorter than the one that leads to prime minister status, young McCartney may find the way to the FNM leadership to be an uphill battle.

His recent suggestions for the prime minister to"pass the baton"to a new generation of politicians reveals his thinking on the matter.

But does Branville McCartney have what it takes to take over the leadership of the party and eventually become the next prime minister of the country? Some say he hasn't paid his dues in politics yet and has to tow the line.

During a recent news conference at the House of Assembly, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham when asked about possible challenges to his leadership of the FNM, said that he had no problems with anyone who wished to challenge him.

He added that he had no problems handing over the leadership of the party and going back into retirement, where he was when the party brought him back into front-line politics.

It may have seemed easy for the prime minister to say that, but anyone who knows him knows he won't sit back and be dictated to. In fact, Hubert Ingraham is infamous for his "take charge" personality.

It's probably part of what makes him a leader.

In spite of what he says, Hubert Ingraham will not allow just anyone to take over the FNM party, even if he's stepping down. He will no doubt have a say in who eventually runs the party.

But should that baton be handed to McCartney?

Hypothetically, let's imagine who would get the leadership of the Free National Movement if Prime Minister Ingraham chooses to move back into retirement.

Who are the possibles for leadership in the party - Zhivargo Laing, Brent Symonette, Neko Grant, Kenneth Russell, Tommy Turnquest, Carl Bethel, Dr. Hubert Minnis, Branville McCartney?

Do any of those names ring a bell for FNM leadership? Or does Ingraham have someone else in mind?

The public push of Branville McCartney for leadership and prime ministership does not in any way move Prime Minister Ingraham.


thenassauguardian editorial