Showing posts with label Hubert Alexander Ingraham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hubert Alexander Ingraham. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The FNM, a political party without a competitive base


By Dennis Dames

The Rt. Honourable Hubert Alexander Ingraham
It’s so sad to see the Free National Movement (FNM) party reduced to shambles and ruin.  It’s presently a national political entity without a viable base.  Remember, the FNM was an expanding family caravan of love organization in the 1980s – that was moving from strength to strength; until the arrival of the most illustrious protégé of the late PLP leader, Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling (SLOP).

His name is, Hubert Alexander Ingraham.  He was allowed by the selfish, hoggish and wicked FNM party leaders at the time to take over the mighty FNM, and live-out his mythic dreams of becoming the ruler of The Bahamas.  In doing so, he and his PLP goons along with the self-centered, greedy and evil FNM leadership gang -  embarked on a vicious internal campaign of political victimization, intimidation and bullying of the faithful FNM party base - which wanted to have nothing to do with the PLP most noted spy and long-knifeman - turned FNM chief, Hubert Alexander Ingraham.

So, by the year 2017- and after three non consecutive terms of Hubert Alexander Ingraham’s regime– the FNM had become a weak-base political party.  Then, under the leadership of Hubert Alexander Minnis - who also had the mythical vision of becoming dictator of The Bahamas, the shattered and shaky base of the FNM became unrecognizable.

Dr, The Most Honourable Hubert Alexander MinnisHubert Alexander Minnis ruled for a bit more than four years.  He totally abandoned what was left of the FNM base – and ran The Bahamas like a lone, wild and crazy man.

Minnis and his miniature and faithful band of FNM yes men and women lost miserably in the recent general election of 2021.  They did not have a winnable base heading in to the contest, and they really didn’t care; after all, they were quite confident and comfortable in the remote bubble of which they governed The Bahamas in for a little more than four years; 2017-2021.  It’s totally disgraceful and distasteful when one thinks about it.

The moral of the story for future FNM leaders is:  An incumbent political party without a spirited, passionate, and an ever-increasingly national base – will not be re-elected for a second consecutive term in The Bahamas – never again.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 matter how the next general election turns out: it’s still Ping who is large and in charge

Rough Cut,
By Felix F. Bethel
“…is still me…”
The Bahama Journal

Pindling told me to tell you that no matter who is nominally in charge of today’s Bahamas; is still me – Ping- who is large and in charge.

Here I tell no lie when I tell you that, Pindling himself gave me this message via dream pumped in from God-Knows- Where.

Indeed, just the other night, I had a long series of talks with Pindling.

Not only were these conversations with the Chief long; but in truth, they were all quite strange in that when I talked to him, I got the impression that while I was seeing and hearing and talking with him as one man could ever talk to another, I was quite convinced that somehow or the other, I had figured out how to cross over, have conversations not only with him but also with some of my friends, like Chris Symonnet, who –some years ago – made that cross-life journey to where God-Knows-Where.

Now since, just this morning, I woke to find myself still clothed in a semblance of my right mind, I must conclude that, I did the crossing over; that I did speak to Pindling and Chris and some other people – some of whom I know are currently half-dead.

Incidentally, that happens- you can be half-dead and of course, your demented parents can beat you half to death in their paranoia induced decision that since you are their child, they could go to heroic lengths to beat the devil out of you.

And so they tried with me.

Just the other night; that is to say just the night after one of my boys came back from a journey to a far country; I dreamed a dream; and in that dream, I found myself in the company of a mighty host of people who –interestingly- must have already been dead and gone a long time ago.

In the dream, I recognized Pindling and strangely, the old man recognized me.

Indeed I had the awesome task of presenting and introducing the beloved Pindling to a number of the people he helped make; and so in the dream I dreamed, I saw men and women in a host of guises and disguises.

These men and women – some of them now dead and gone – were alive enough in the dream I dreamed; and strangely while in the dream, Pindling was real enough to me and alive enough to me; in the dream I dreamed, no one but your beloved professor could hear or see him.

Here I can tell you that in one set of encounters that took place in the dream I had, I remember Pindling’s insight to the effect that while he might be gone in the flesh; what he had left behind on the ground in the Bahamas had now come to full fruition and flourish.

And perhaps thus: the arrival of the Aga Khan; the mercilessness of poverty and the plethora of deaths throughout our country and Kerzner and Baha Mar and the opening to Cuba and the opening to China and the wider Pacific; and the deepening of ties to the Caribbean and to the pomp and pageantry that comes with being King George VI Negroes in a time when such types constitute a fast-vanishing species.

But notwithstanding this fact of life in the real world, there they were in their serried series as I saw them eating, drinking and picking their teeth; and for sure, in the dreamscape, I saw people who are – in the new guise of their polished children – today’s movers and shakers.

While I will not name them here and now, you will recognize them by virtue of the fact that they do move and they do shake.

I suspect that, when I saw Pindling just the other night, he wanted me to deliver a message to as many of his fellow-Bahamians to the effect that they should have as little fear of the present or the immediate future because for better or worse; Is still me, [Pindling] who is large and in charge.

But to make this aspect of the story as short and as painless as possible, take note that Ed Moxey was in the dream; and so was another of my friends, Chris Symonnet; who inquired as to how his family was doing on this side.

From this I surmised that the late Pindling was caught making a surprise visit –via whatever zombie express- to share something with the professor – a something that, he just knew the professor would share with you.

And so it goes again; just the other night, I dreamed a dream and in that dream, I caught up with Pindling.

And as I caught up with a then old Pindling, the talked turned to things both personal and political; and the thing that I remember most vividly – thus this typing in the early morning of the day that came after the night when I dreamed the dream whereof I now pluck some nuggets from what seems the depths of my mind.

And now, my fellow Bahamians, we march forward to the dreamscape itself –as I can even now espy that happy terrain; and as you can imagine, the matter involving Pindling and the man he was and the shadow he left are in and of themselves stories sufficient for any number of life-times as lived by any of mine who come after and who would like to know about the days that followed in this man’s mighty wake.

As I saw in and concluded and as Pindling himself concluded in the dream I had, no matter the fact that he was dead and gone, everything in the place and space where he once ran things, continues to be run as if Pindling had never left; that he – in truth and in metaphysical fact of the matter, could not and did not leave office even though he told the Parliament that he was finished with it.

But for sure, it must have dawned on him that while he might have thought he was finished with the House and the Senate and with the pomp and with the pageantry that would come with being Caesar Pindling.

And so it has been - So said; So done ; that, in all the years between the time Pindling died and the time he came back to see me as I slept and dreamed the dream I dreamed; this country has been run by Pindling himself; but this time around in the form of two of his most loyal men – Hubert Alexander Ingraham and Perry Gladstone Christie.

Hovering somewhere in my waking consciousness is the fact – now metaphysical – that Pindling did in truth and in fact have a political brother in the guise of Cecil Vincent Wallace-Whitfield who – yet again- in the world where I would have liked to live, was the best prime minister this blighted land of mine has never had.

That is what was fated to be when Cecil died at the age of sixty in that dread year that was 1990.

As the archival record and records throughout the land and throughout the world attest and do so solemnly affirm, Pindling – the mortal man- died on August 26th. 2000.

Dust to dust; ashes to ashes.

But evidently, things do not work as neatly and as simply in the world where Caesars are made and fashioned from the materials that come with politics; namely media, money and machinations and what these can and do achieve for the people who own them and to the people whose souls and minds are so routinely bought and sold for a pittance.

And so, while this or that Bahamian might aspire to change; the fact of the matter remains: no matter how the next general elections turn out: is still Ping who is large and in charge.

December 2nd, 2010

The Bahama Journal

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hubert Ingraham is the Free National Movement's (FNM) best chance of winning the 2012 general election

FNM has 'best chance of winning with Ingraham'
Tribune Staff Reporter

THE Free National Movement was described yesterday as still having the best chance of winning the next general election with Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham at its helm.

Dismissing earlier reports that the party could stand a "better chance" of winning in 2012 with a "younger" candidate at the helm, a senior FNM strategist who spoke to The Tribune on condition of anonymity yesterday said that youth does not bring with it a very important factor -- experience.

"There can never be a comparison between Hubert Alexander Ingraham and the young Branville McCartney. Mr Ingraham was a cabinet minister in the Pindling administration. He was subsequently fired from that cabinet and went on to win his seat as an independent Member of Parliament. He then went on to become leader of the FNM and lead that party to a resounding victory at the polls in 1992 and 1997.

"What has Mr McCartney done in comparison? Yes, he was a Minister of Immigration -- which we all know is a very emotive ministry. But what has he done? What were his accomplishments during his tenure in Tourism? So before someone can come to me and say here is a man who is ready to become Prime Minister I have to ask them on what grounds they are speaking," the source said.

However, according to other well-placed FNMs, Mr McCartney's "experience" and tenure in the party does not factor in as much as his public appeal with independent voters. While they would admit that it is yet to be seen what level of support the young FNM MP could attract at a national convention, they feel certain of his public support -- especially with the growing number of young voters.

This demographic, The Tribune was told, may be more inclined to vote for a candidate with which they can "relate", versus the stereotypical "experienced based" argument. And, he said, considering the fact that the PLP will be putting forth a leader would be then in his late 60s in 2012 only adds to the appeal of the new "Branville campaign."

"It would be a landslide victory for the FNM with a young Branville at the helm versus Perry Christie. One is the embodiment of youth at its prime. One is the face of the young people; a change to future," he said.

However, the party's strategist, sees this argument in a totally different light.

"With Hubert Ingraham having been brought back by the people to lead them in 2007 it would be a slap in the face to the public for him to step aside now. It would the surest way for the FNM to lose an election in 2012; and that isn't even considering what such a move would do to his legacy as a politician.

"Just remember, in 2012 the national stadium will be built.

"The road improvement projects will be completed. A new straw market. Baha Mar will be coming on stream, and crime will be under control. Those will be tangible accomplishments that the people can see and feel that Hubert Ingraham would have delivered to them in only five short years. There is no comparison," he said.

August 13, 2010
